Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

Totally agree @Sarah2. It’s a game that people play by choice. You can be free to play, pay to play, cheap to play. It’s an individuals decision. I only spend GBP £s on the special offers. Like I only buy lottery tickets when it’s a roll over. I have never won the lottery, but I sometimes get a 5* hero out of my TC20. I know the odds of getting lucky but I play the game because it’s fun, and I am in an alliance with really nice people from all over the world. But What I will say here is … If I didn’t enjoy the game or thought I was being done over by whoever, I wouldn’t play, that would be just a waste of time and effort …

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The Great Old One has spoken :slight_smile:

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So I wonder what the highest number of replies on a single thread is?

Lol… Are you counting all replies or just the relevant replies. Methinks you would get two different answers.

The Ridiculous Complaints thread has over 2700 so far.

Wow Alliance Wars Matchmaking thread is over 3300.

Probably others with more.

All replies…

Why the legal system has so many issues proving these types of games are considered gambling.

The dictionary might state that the word gamble is also gambling but the legal system sees these 2 words as having 2 very different means as does different countries where some see them meaning the same thing and others see it meaning 2 different things.
am of the later!

Thus the reason investigations are having a hard time proving one or the other, WHY?

A Gacha game is one that has exists for yonks and as kids we all placed 20c in a machine in the hope if get a specific toy and got something different. We all bought sporting cards packets in the hope of getting rate cards and the list goes on.
All of these where always considered as taking a gamble but never considered as a gambling machine because if they where concidered gambling they wouldn’t ve sitting in every corner store for kids as gambling for minors is illegal world wide.

It’s a gamble to drive your car everyday as you are taking a chance with your life, it’s a gamble to cross the street because your also risking your life, it’s a gamble to buy playing cards in tbe hope of getting a rare card, it’s a gamble to buy a loaf of bread or a bottle of milk in the hope it isn’t off, BUT yet NONE of these are considered gambling in the eyes of the law.

Now Gambling on the other hand is placing a wager using somthing of value in the in a game of chance but that chance offers the possibility of NIL result thus meaning that losing has no gain what so ever.

Although the law sees taking a gamble as having a risk to change the laws for the online games would mean changing the laws for every aspect of life on many levels thus why gambling investigations ate finding it to prove or make it stick that Gacha games are considered gambling over taking a risk.

This is not the case with summons as summons although you look at it to be a game of chance it is technically a Gacha game where you obtain a result with every spin so your taking a risk in the hope that you get a rare card. Yes there is a chance of a rare card but the potential likelihood is extremely slim.

The said gambling is betting, wagering something of value for a chance if gaining a profit or something greater than the wagered bet.
This means when playing a poker machine and betting 1 dollar and that spin returns nothing then you lost and if it returns 50c you won because the overall rng is set to returning 80% (example only) of money bet in the long run si even though you didn’t get a jackpot you still got a payout of multiple small wins thus making up the 80% return rate which in most cases isn’t taken into account by individuals because they just roll it back into the next spin for a chance at something bigger. This is called gambling.

Now I could go on and on here but my point is that since by the rules of this game your doing a summons for a HERO in the hope of getting a specific hero, ( which is no different to sporting cards from the corner store ) and you don’t get that hero doesn’t constitute it as a gambling venue as you did in fact obtain a HERO.
The other issue they have is, is it considered Gambling when your summons is done using free coins obtained through the game thus having no actual loss of income in any way shape or form to yourself.

Now of cause this will be argued I am sure but as this a currently world wide issue within the laws of those fighting to change these laws and those unhappy losers insisting contradictions because they don’t get what they want I will leave it at this because in reality if the lawyers world wide can’t find a difference between these 2 fine lines then what hope have we got in agreeing on these differences.

Hope this makes a good read to some if you and at the least but not limited to making you laugh, lol

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The question is, why are people so upset at losing if they think it’s gambling? People worldwide lose regularly at gambling every day. Lotteries, casinos, online poker, office pools - people lose. If they didn’t, casinos would not be in business.

Or are they upset because they think it shouldn’t be gambling and that summons should be just like a store?

Not the point. The point is to ensure that the outcome is not rigged.
Call it gambling, call it gatcha, call it soupfidling for all i care, if it takes money should be regulated to ensure they give what they claim.

A clean house should welcome such regulations, even ask for them by themselves.

No, the point is they give what they claim but it’s not what you expect. They are very up front about the very low percentages involved in getting a 5*. Spending a lot of money does not increase those percentages at all.

Your odds of a 5* are significantly better at TC20.

I gave an example above on how it can be random and rigged, that none of the defenders care to comment, which is kinda strange…

First off, I’m not a defender. I am very consistent in advising people to play F2P (or C2P with VIP) and NOT spend on summons.

Second, your example is frivolous without anything to back it up. If it looks random and acts random, the simplest answer is that it is random. Unless you can show examples of clear non-randomness you’re just making up wht-if’s.

Well to be fair they do show the low chances in a small (!) button but being upfront about it, not so much :confused:

The only ones here who try to explain the odds are all fans of the game. It’s so weird that SG being the big game company they are don’t have a proper complaint management section for these kind of angry complaints.

People who feel they didn’t get what they wanted for their money should be directed to a SG’s page. Not here where some hardcore fans of the game argue with them endlessly. That would be being upfront about the problem imo.

Plain and simply because they can’t accept the outcome, mostly likely because when placing 20c as a kid in a toy machine hoping fir a specific toy and didn’t get it they got upset and throw that toy away instead of accepting it.

Don’t go in personal again and again, oh you have bad luck so you blame the game. I have a nice roster, and i do ok, but not the point here.

The point is you cannot claim it is not rigged as much as i can claim it is, so since it takes money from people, there should be a way to ensure as much as possible they give what they say they do. Not only this game but all of the same genre. Only way i can think is through regulations.

Will the complaining stop then? Absolutely not, as it has not stopped with casino, but it should be done anyway.

But they do give what they claim, they are giving you a HERO

You choise to see these people as fans of the game.

I choose to see these people as those that can accept aforementioned uncertain outcome.

Which one us wrong here,

Can you read their minds or you’re assuming things again?

Imo this is ridiculous and counterproductive. A fan of the game like Ozy1, a regular player who tries to explain the laws to angry customers who didn’t get the heroes they wanted. With no experience in dealing with customers (I assume). Why do we have to be arguing between fans of the game?

And when will SG be upfront about summons and hire a person to deal with these complaints? Serious question.

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I can claim it is not rigged just as much as you can claim it is. However, there is no actual unassailable proof either way. That would require opening the software behind the game for analysis.

There is statistical evidence it is not.

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