Suggestions to avoid losing players

The failure of their strategy in doing this is it has become completely pointless to pull new heroes if you know you’ll never get the mats to ascend them. Ive spent an embarrassing amount of money on this game and as of last May when they took away the mats, the heroes i pulled started stacking up at 3-70. Ive now got over 30 5* heroes sitting at 3-70 and at most 2 of eache 4* mat. I used to bump a 5* to the last tier about every 6 weeks or so, so it was alright to pull new ones. Not anymore. I havent done a pull that cost me anything in months, and i refuse to pay for the mats after ive already paid for the hero. Its eventually going to run everyone off, and they will be left with a game dependent on new players who dont read reviews wasting their money until they google whats wrong.


The above post is bang on about everything wrong in the game atm for the average spender/player. I’m in the exact same boat, 30-40 heroes that I can’t ascend after spending stupid amounts of money trying to get them. Our alliance has lost 11 members in the past month of 4K+ players due to this and doing 10-30 pulls and getting nothing out of it.

It’s great in one aspect though. One member got me playing a game similar to this one but with no tile stuff - alliances/heroes/sieges and tons of events etc where your money spent you get exactly what you pay for. Yes every game company does what ever they can to squeeze your wallet but at least there I pay for exactly what I want and it feels rewarding. Yeah all these games are a waste of money but I’ve easily dropped 4-500 there the last couple months that I’d normally of spent on this game and loving it. Just pointing out there are other games out there that are a lot more rewarding.


Think about this sg. I also now play another game very similar to this one, but the rewards are much better.

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Only real suggestion I got to avoid disappointment
is not to play .