Suggestions for "regulars" vs titans

I’m starting to develop a pretty deep bench so I want to make sure I’m utilizing my heros correctly. Below are my strongest hero listed by color:

Purple - Rigard (4-70), Sabina (4-70). Current project - Tiburtus (2-12). Bench at 1-1 - Aeron, Cyprian, Merlin

Yellow - Wu Kong (4-70). Current project - Delilah (3-45). Bench at 1-1 - Justice, Vivica, Leonidas, Chao, Hu Tao

Blue - Grimm (4-70), Kiril (4-70). Current project - Sonya (4-40). Bench at 1-1 - Boril

Green - Zeline (3-70 … one tonic away), Caedmon (4-70). Current project - Melendor (2-16). Bench at 1-1 - Horghall, Kashhrek, Little John

Red - Scarlett (4-70), Natalya (2-60). Current project - Boldtusk (4-14). Bench at 1-1 - G. Kong, G. Falcon (2-39), Gormek, Colen, Kelile

What I’m looking for is my starting rainbow. Depending on the color of the titan, I’d sub out my #2 of the strongest color with the weak color except for Wu vs yellow. If you think my current project should crack the starting lineup once I have them maxed, please let me know that too.


Your “Current Projects” look to be good.

I’d finish Tiburtus to use against Yellow/Green titans in place of Grimm.

After you finish your Boldtusk, get Falcon leveled for Greent Titans.

Your Regulars should be Wu Kong, Grimm/Tiburtus (-34% defense), Boldtusk/Kiril (+Attack).

Ill go different in answering, heroes by Titan

Red - BT, WU, Kiril, Sonya, Grimm
Blue - Kiril, Wu, Zeline, Caedmon, Grimm(you could use Brienne if she is maxed)
Green - BT, WU, Tib or Gormek(once either is leveled), Scarlett, G. Falcon
Yellow - BT, WU, Rigard, Sabina, Tiburtus(use Grimm until Leveled)
Purple - BT, WU, Grimm, Delilah, Chao(once leveled)


Don’t bring Delilah to titans, but if you do, don’t use her special. Everything else looks good. Finish Tusk, always bring Wu, Tusk, and a ramming pulverizer like Grimm or Tibs.

Who from yellow would you suggest I level to double up vs purple titans?

Curious, what’s the reason for that?

I would choose Leonidas because of relatively high tile damage, and his special will pack some punch also (less important than tile damage in my experience), and takes 40% of the Titan’s mana so he doesn’t punch you in the face quite as much. :slight_smile: And of course the self-healing doesn’t hurt either.

I’d also say Leonidas, but the reason for Delilah being not-so-great for titans is because of her minions. They all have to attack, and you have to wait for them to attack. I do bring her sometimes, but I only use her special before the titan AE special attack because it kills the minions.


You don’t have him yet, but try to pull a Jackal next time guardians is the event.