Strategy On the "Do's" an "don'ts" of war

I am new to this game, and after our alliance leader left us, leaving me in charge I’m having some trouble…
Alliance wars are tricky! Ive participated in two so far, and learned a lot about timed and strategic attacks… Sorta… But I need more than a " Don’t do " guide book on war. Suggestions?

Just my 5 cents worth I think most strategies only really help once you have an alliance full of people with 30+ maxed heroes.

If everyone tries to work together and learn together that is the biggest help at the beginner and intermediate levels


Though the obvious ones are:

Use all your hits

Try to field a team that you can either 1 shot your opponent or take out the tank and or healers

Take your time selecting your team so you have the best chance vs their team (if they are strong on buffs take a debuffer, if they have more than 1 of a colour take strong hitters in the colour that is strong against it etc)

If you don’t have 30 heroes then save some 2*s to use, use them to clean up a weakened team then feed them to unused heroes

Have fun together and communicate


Check the thread Alliance war strategy … it’s an excellent guide!


Ty. That’s helped a lot!

I would have linked it for you, but I’m technically challenged. It’s an excellent overview of the wars.


I have a quiet, almost silent alliance… Lol
People come an go… Still in a sort of " What to do" since our alliance leader left me in charge…

Thank you princess I’ll look for it!

It’s by Hazard, under the Players Guide category


It is this here:

And yes, it is great. Our alliance uses a similar approach. But you should have a good bench of heroes. Probably makes no difference if you have 30 members in your alli or not as E&P will match you to an opponent with similar AW points.


Not the one I was referring to but certainly another good guide.

Hm sorry I read you quoted a name and it was not “Yo Momma”, you’re right. I might look it up later…

It might be this


Yes, thank you. I really need to figure out how to link these :grin:

Those two guides are an excellent reference guide for the OP. Good luck and have fun!

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We usually run all same tank color. Strong players attack strong teams, if you don’t finish the team off leave what’s left for a lower member to pick off. If you’re going to lose, flee before the other team can heal/get field aid. And of course…use all your flags.

This is an effective strategy but only if all players have decent tanks in the selected color. I’ve noticed blue seems to be a good color to start with as there’s several that make decent tanks (ex. Boril) that are easy to get. Again, make sure everyone has good heroes in that color or you’ll end up with several Torils (Yes, I’ve seen that happen and we crushed our opponent).

Also, be patient with your hits. Besides what @the100thmonkey noted about picking the right team to hit, be prepared to hold some flags if there’s no teams on which you can make an effective hit. If you’re down to those 1 & 2* feeders, think about not hitting until there’s a wounded team. You’re likely to get more points that way.

Use all your flags, even if they’re feeders.

Coordinate with your alliance members. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy - maybe just call out that you only have feeders left. See if someone has a bigger team and offer to do clean up. Things like that increase alliance chat and points.

Keep a list of your wins and losses. Again, doesn’t have to be fancy or a lot of work. We tend to forget the good and focus on the bad. If you have proof that your alliance is winning more than losing, decreasing the points given up in a loss, more people are joining in - whatever positive thing you can give your alliance, the more exciting a war will be.


Yes we usually do red or blue tanks. The rest basically boils down to communication/coordination with your alliance members.