📯 Storyline – Season 3 (Valhalla)

Trolled by Alfrike, lol.

20 Runes of Death.

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Wait, if Alfrike is now controlling the dead and her husband got killed, does this mean…

They’ll meet up again and Alrike will be controlling him?

Ymir is whipped :rofl:

S3 19-10
Whispers of Eternal Winter
Boss Epic Frost Elemental

Storyline Ending


Province 21 end:


@Petri (and other SG team whose names I don’t know):

Just wanted to say thank you to the developers for a great story line for season 3! I am using WE flasks to zoom through to see what happens next, and I am counting the days until the next chapter!!! Keep up the great work. It really adds dimension to the game and heroes!!! :bouquet::bouquet::bouquet:


I did like Alfrike’s plot, Hel’s dialogue, and the love angle from Fenrir :slight_smile:


I’m not sure if this is bugs on iOS only maybe, in V30.00. Game Play Language: English.

S3 20-10
Niflheim Ice Fields
Epic Frost Elemental

Storyline Ending

Well as far as Ragnarok is concerned that doesn’t sound good lol.

Do you guys think we’ll get Surtur as an actual hero? IIRC all heroes in the S1/2 storylines have been released as real 5*, but I’d assumed that Round 4 would be the last set of heroes released.

If we get 3 provinces each month, and each month we get a different hero, then the 4 5* in Round 4 (Gefjon, Lord Loki, Thor, Odin) map onto how many provinces we should have left, assuming Asgard is 4 provinces (21 have been released; 32 total on the map + 4 Asgard provinces means we should have 15 provinces left, and there are 5 5* unreleased including Bera). I haven’t seen anything about Surtur being a hero, but it seems weird that they’d make him part of the storyline (and in the legends he’s supposed to start Ragnarok so I’d assume he would be a major player) and then just not release him, or even just make him a 4*?

S3 21-10
Niflheim Tundra
Ei-Dunn, By-Ulf & Fenrir

Storyline Ending

Province 19
Through her seer ability, Agnes saw what Alfrike is telling Hel
Agnes: That witch is lying through her ginormous hairnets!

Hel: Very well, you may remain here as my guest.
Alfrike: Thank you, my queen.

Loki: Oh, Alfrike is very good with the lies and deception.

Hel: I am not quite done yet…
Alfrike: Yes?
Hel: If you deceive me, I will make sure your stay in Helheim is permanent.

Loki: That’s my gurl… :heart:

Province 20

Fenrir: The battle goes poorly…
Agnes: Haven’t gone to the gym for a while huh?
Fenrir: Yeah, what, wait, no!

Alfrike finds the Runestone of Death…

Loki: Tsk, tsk, tsk, How many times do I got to tell that girl, never to leave your jewelry box unattended while having house guests?

Province 21
Hel: What? My dead minions aren’t responding to my command?
Situation turned south pretty quickly, didn’t it?

Fenrir: A puny trickster like Loki couldn’t have even come up with that, it’s Alfrike, my lady love…
Loki: Ugh, please… Alfrike wishes she’s half as smart and cunning as yours truly. I will deal with your stupidity later, you stupid son.
Fenrir: Waaaaa!? But…
Fenrir: :musical_note: Hey I just met you! :musical_note:
Fenrir: :musical_note: This is crazy! :musical_note:
Loki: :musical_note: But I am your father. :musical_note:
Loki: :musical_note: So call me daddy! :musical_note:
Elena: Uh, what just happened there?
Richard: I don’t know, but that’s some pretty catchy tunes, right?

In Norse Mythology, Loki is the father to Hel and Fenrir, amongst others. Surely, SGG, being headquartered in Finland would have picked up on this little bit of Norse lore… But doesn’t look like they were exploring that relationship much here.


Thanks @olmor, @anon73591153 and @HarryDeB.

Posts at the top of this thread updated thru to Province 22


If Alfrike intends to use the Stone to resurrect her late husband, there is going to be one very disappointed wolf. Well, OK, we just killed him too, but he did say he’d rise again. All I can say is Alfrike had better be careful who she goes around resurrecting.

Province 22 start:


Thnx @anon73591153 you are fast!

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Ending of 22

Screenshot_20200924-114622 Screenshot_20200924-114700


And start of 23;


Province 23 end:

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Province 24 start:

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Province 24 end:
