Stones' colour distribution is NOT random - MASTER Board Conspiracy

Wasted raid energy takes how long to regenerate? Does losing to lower level opponents not ■■■■ you off? These game designers don’t waste millions of dollars on social interaction experts (same as casino designers) for no reason… Designed for you to pull out your wallet

Show the analytics and data to back that up…

OMG… You are right! How could we have been so blind? This is a zillion dollar scheme!

But now that you’ve found out their little secret, they’ll probably switch it back again to normal, so don’t be surprised to win a raid with a monochrome team now :wink:

Surely, they have their programmers already designing new evil disadvantages in order to squeeze out more money from players. Maybe the Flanking-Elena-Scheme where you cannot win until you put Elena on flank.

1h, so what? You can have 24 tries a day to open the hero chest. Or 12 if you are trying to fill two a day. Up to 2500 cups, that’s absolutely realistic.

With a teampower between 3650 and 3900, depending on my line up, I win 80-90% of offense raids against teams with a team power around 4000. ( lower diamond tier) Just need to spent some food to find the worst line ups.

But that’s no answer to the question, what’s the benefit of SG?

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Ever wonder why all games now use lottery/chance system to gain attributes/characters/etc? Because what fun would it be if gamers just could choose the characters they want and grind for them… No that’s no fun let’s give the illusion that they can win them through a rigged lottery… It’s not like gambling is addictive or anything​:man_shrugging:t4: And being a virtual game we lose nothing if they do hit their mark :grimacing:YAY :confetti_ball::tada::unamused:

None of us work for Small Giant, so of course we don’t have access to data and analytics on the overall population win rate. The CTO of Small Giant has said that the overall win rate in Diamond is 65%, based on their analytics. You can choose to believe that or not as you see fit.

But plenty of us have raid win rates on offense in excess of 85%.

back what up?
you show me “analytics” of your alleged board behaviour. but before we even get there - answer my question.

At the moment I am just wondering if this should be your answer to my question?

Now, that would be a great statistic to add to the profile page: the overall raid attack and defense success rate. That would be a great measure of your game skills.


Random jewels my butt this gave is a joke

This game is a joke the jewels are no way random like you lie not say.

Rainbow vs rainbow! Come on show my falcon some love! :woman_shrugging:

Hi, Im wonderingif my observation is shared by others…

When farming 8/7 I get more often than not great boards - not complaining but I get diamonds galore, often 4 to 5, sometimes even more, in a single battle without even trying hard… great, keeps farming fun…

However, at war the battles hardly ever seem to go that well when it comes to boards… I cant remember ever having been able to create 5 diamonds even when really looking out for such opportunities… Im at level 36 now, so I have had my fair share of battles…

This would be the same for the opposition I assume and if so, thats fair… however I wonder if the boards are just sheer luck as always stated? My observation is different… I dare say I get better boards when farming then in wars!

And before you mention that I might just remember the bad boards in war as its human nature… no, I don’t think so… I’ve had great battles in war and fights were I did return from the dead due to tile luck and a couple of diamonds always makes a memorable fight and I appreciate it… now farming is just a repetitive task you do with little emotion, so Im not biased on that front…

So my statement is farming boards are producing a way higher/better combo rate than war boards…

Anyone agree?


It could also be that the average raid / war battle doesn’t last as many turns so you are less likely to get great combos and diamonds per battle

Very often I get 2 diamonds in the farming battles already on the first round of monsters, the first move often creates a diamond… like “here you go ready for the taking”… I wish that would happen as frequently in wars! :upside_down_face:

At war, my battles last several minutes if attacking a similarly strong opponent (3600 strength), healers kick in prolonging the fight… 8/7 farming battles are done in a minute as my strongest attack team wipes those poor weaklings of the field, esp. using special skills… however I have not counted how many tiles are actually being used in 8/7 farming vs. well matched war battles… at my level I dont think they are miles apart…

@Kerridoc @Garanwyn @Rook @zephyr1 merge?


The difference between 8-7 and a war or raid is the risk level.

8-7 is so low risk that you can make any match with impunity and everything seems free flowing.

When you are struggling to damage the tank without charging the enemies mana in a high-stakes war attack it feels completely different.

If you could do a blind trial by covering the top of your screen, you’d find that the board plays identically. Although you may well lose the raid!


Agree that 8/7 is low risk…no, rephrase… no risk :innocent: when farming the goal is to get through as quick as possible and as its so easy I try to do so whilst receiving the least possible amount of damage for some extra ‘challange’… so I still try and play it smart

A typical example just now, monsters round two, already 3 diamonds… happens all the time… (would you agree to that part from your personal experience?)

Trying to play wars smart also, looking for good combos whenever possible preferably diamonds… if its the colour you are looking for, bonus! But often it is the better choice to create big movement on the board and take a specials hit or two than to carefully stuff around with a bad board and loose eventually anyways… so really Im trying hard for good combos in war, yet they are harder to achieve than when farming… and realisticly out of 6 battles in war there is always a few that aren’t high risk either, colour stacking or not, yet my observation is the same… even if not at risk of loosing such battles Im not able to create those spectacular combos, like 5 or more diamonds as when farming

Leaning out the window but I’d say that farming as the repetitive necessity that it is, may be blessed with better tiles on purpose to make those fights a little more enjoyable… nothing worse than repeating hard boards over and over even if you cant loose…?

Test it then :relaxed:

Get someone to pick a level or raid, cover your screen except for the board and see if you can guess the type of battle.

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I’ve merged in a thread here.

Upthread there is a huge amount of data testing the proposition of whether starting boards are random, and whether there is a link between the color of heroes you bring and the color of tiles. Based on large datasets, gathered from sequential raids, there is no evidence of bias in starting boards.

@Garanwyn is also collected data here:
Color Stacking Fairness Project

Furthermore, the lead designer has told us bluntly that boards are random:

”The door of a bigoted mind opens outwards so that the only result of the pressure of facts upon it is to close it more snugly”
—Ogden Nash


I understand that the attacker has every advantage in the raids but it fails by far to make up for the 1 disadvantage the attacker has and that is the color tiles what determines the tiles. Say I’m using all five of the same color when trophy count is low let’s say I’m using blue. The blue tiles show up in abundance but when the trophy count is high their is suddenly no blue tiles. No matter how good a player or team of heros are the tiles determine the outcome of the battle. So that brings me back to what determines the order in which the tiles appear it’s definitely not random and extremely unfair that they are not.