Spotify in game

Can Spotify be brought into the game? Everytime I open empires and puzzles Spotify stops playing. Very annoying.

Um… If you change your settings and turn off music, you can play Spotify. :thinking:


Understood, but no. The game takes a lot of resources so it kills spotify in the background. If it’s an in app connection spotify will keep plaing

Most of time I play with Spotify on background.

I am using Android (Galaxy S22) and Spotify keeps playing for me, the only time it doesn’t play is when I watch an ad and the sound plays with the ad, I mute the ad and then Spotify continues to automatically play.

I have a Samsung A31 so not as high spec phone as a S22. Should cater maybe not for all phones but certainly most of them. A31 is not that bad

It depends on what you mean by “in game”:

Playing music while you’re gaming:

  • Yes, you can definitely play Spotify while you’re gaming. Most games allow you to run multiple programs simultaneously, so you can have Spotify open in the background and listen to music while you play. However, keep in mind that this might affect your gaming performance depending on your system resources.
  • On Windows 10/11, you can use the Xbox Game Bar to control Spotify without leaving your game. This allows you to pause, skip tracks, or change playlists without minimizing the game.
  • Some games have built-in music players that let you import your own music or connect to streaming services like Spotify. These integrations are less common, but they offer a more seamless experience.

Spotify integration within games:

  • There are very few games that directly integrate with Spotify. One recent example is Heardle, a Wordle-inspired music guessing game acquired by Spotify.
  • Spotify itself has explored integrating music into games with initiatives like the Spotify Gaming Hub, but these features haven’t gained widespread adoption.

Overall, you can easily listen to Spotify while gaming on most platforms, but true in-game integration with Spotify is still uncommon.

It adds a whole new layer to the experience, right? I’ve found it super easy to run Spotify alongside my games, especially with the Xbox Game Bar feature on Windows. But you know what would be even cooler? More games integrating directly with Spotify. I mean, imagine cruising through a virtual world with your favorite tunes seamlessly integrated into the gameplay. It could really elevate the immersion. I stumbled upon this music promotion platform called Streaming Famous the other day. It’s got some interesting insights on boosting your music presence online. Might be worth checking out if you’re into that sort of thing.