Soul Exchange - Discussion Archive (2022 - 2023)

Thanks for selecting me…. Look forward to the privilege :wink::smiling_imp:


I would not do that. Hard to use two of him on defense, his best use. The rest of the 20 soul tier would be better than a dupe ludwig.

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I see Gregorion in the list and I know that he’s a good titan hero

But I’m running this team against blue titans

C Brienne for Defense Down
C Francine for Nature EDD
Ratatorsky for increased tile damage
Tarlak (came from Fated Summon) for attack up
Franz for damage increase

I just can’t see where Gregorion fits in this team.

Cobalt would be an amazing offensive hero for my blue team

I already have Faline, Alfrike, Saoirae, C Finley and Frigg so Ludwig will be my choice

He will improve my VF war defense

Wow. You sure you want to part with posiden and vanda? It sucks to lose any of them, but that is rough. You won’t consider that the next SE would be just as good?


Poseidon, when waterpipe is running lose in the meta now? Poseidon is one of those valuable counters against the pipe right now. I would not sack this guy if I were you


Thanks for the suggestion @Mal4ugana, I will think about my choice again, tough one for me :woman_facepalming:



Thank you for your work. Sorry I doubted your list earlier. Now I have a headache deciding who to choose.


I went from having only having 1 non classic dark hero, Ursena that I pulled when season 2 was the current season to getting Freya from the fated summons, then the next day diaochan from W3k and now gonna get ludwig? Good thing I have 35 ascension mats.


I live by the motto… if it is too good to be true… it is. So… I was doubtful as well… but I can redeem again in May… so maybe that is when Arco will be available.

Ludwig in SE at all seems, remarkable.

Ludwig at 15 heroes, moreso.

Ludwig at 15 while Alfrike is at 20 seems especially odd.

Also, zero dedicated healers among the choices?

Seems weird. ….that doesn’t mean it’s wrong, as SE has been weird, but weird nonetheless. We’ll see soon enough!


I designed all of my guesses to sample from different groups… a lil s1 costumes… a few hotms, a s2/s3… 1 s4… and maybe 2 REALLY good heroes that drive interest… but @ 20… and probably not any of the heroes that drive revenue… But hey… what do I know.


Isn’t Emilio a healer? But I won’t take that list seriously. I thought they never release costumes or heroes that are less than a year old. I think c Finley is still less than a year old.
But what the heck I don’t know. It’s frustrating to not know for these next 2 days. Gah, I need the intel to sleep properly

Is it possible, SG would jerk our chain… and have this SE list inserted… ONLY to change it on Thursday morning… maybe… but I don’t think they would do that…


wolfgang and quenell were in previous SE

Only quenell, Wolfgang didn’t appear


That general approach makes sense, it’s just hard to know if SE is supposed to make sense? Heh.

I’m just boggling at the idea that Alfrike is allegedly worth more than Ludwig, if nothing else.

Sort of, but that’s why I said dedicated healer, i.e. a hero who has significant healing as a main effect — Emilio does some HoT, but only if enemies are already on fire, which means you’re pairing him with GM or similar, or the healing can happen like maybe the second time Emilio fires. So I’d consider Emilio a hybrid-healer (ailment blocking is nice as well!)

See also: Hanitra, not a dedicated healer, can give some overhealing contingent on successful dodge.

But SE 1 had no dedicated healer either, now that I look back, hmm, not counting Rumplestilskin’s rando Special which has a chance of heal, or Garj’s purely self-HoT. (SE 2 had Kunchen, LotL, Ariel, and MN, and SE 3 had Raff and Zuri.)

I’m not sure what to think, I mean I would have thought not so much with the Raven/Wolf family heroes — but then we got Quenell as a possible choice last time, albeit at the 20-soul level. Ludwig at 20 I could imagine, though still remarkable. At 15…? We’ll see.

Quenell is a year old now. I thought it would be raven next, would have loved Quintin

So am i the only one who is taking Saoirse :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:. I mean I already have Finley C, Alfrike, Emilio and HOTM.

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Considering that we have a lot of super purple heroes currently especially as tanks, I think it’s ok Ludwig for 15

Otherwise, Alfrike is a monster on offense and if she fires it’s a match changer. That must be the reason for the 20 souls, maybe even to encourage people to buy SE offers to complete 20 heroes


What are the SE offers, out of curiosity? It will be my first SE!