Have I told you lately that I appreciate all your help? Thank you for checking and providing your insights!
No SE is not great news, my roster needs some cleaning. Only 5 slots open. With Pets, Black Friday coming up, that is not stellar news.
February 22, May 22, August 22, November 22, February 23 make sense to me.
December 22?! My inner Monk is going crazy lol
Doesn’t make any sense at all and it shouldn’t be our task to find excuses for SG. Still works out for me tho…
I hope they’re not getting rid of SE since they implemented the Fated Summon. I’m still hoping it’s an error on their part and it’ll come out in November. Postponing it one month is disappointing enough, let alone if they remove it altogether.
They can use FS to allow players to clear dupes too by creating a conversion of dupes to FS credits. Not 1 for 1, of course.
Maybe 1 dupe => 10 FS credits.
Can I dislike your comment? Don’t give them ideas.
Feel free to add many
The best move they do is to delay SE so people can get more 5* from tc20
The spenders complaining about roster space you spend for heroes you can spend for more roster space
3 times SE in a year is a good plan for all people ftp ctp ptw
I saw a new jpg of the se… They had Guardian owl at 20… Which means you know it is bs… But… They had Arco at 20 so i can only hope it is real.
Lol dont think this is genuine.
I’m continually amazed at the number of fakes that need to be dismissed
20 characters of lololol
Owl at 20. Lol No. Also Arco and Iku-Turso are way too recent to be here. I don’t think we can expect hero more fresher than one year. C-Alasie is so-so, since she appeared in January 2022 I believe. Also Rana was already in SE, I don’t think dupes are in order yet.
Rana was in first exchange for 10 so this is fake
Cant be real, Red hood worth at least 20 if not needing her own 30 category
I love it because we have contents to talk about until the Soul Exchange
G. Owl for 20 souls is some top-tier comedy
None of the previous ones looked legit and yet they were.
They looked too good… We didn’t think sg would be that generous… G owl… That didn’t make sense