Soul Exchange - Discussion Archive (2022 - 2023)

For me…Miki is only a vf war and titan hero. For 20 5*… I want one that i could consider putting on defense and offense, events war… Etc.


Come onnnn big dog Red hero. I’ve got 25 Rings rolling around my inventory and have since strengthened my other weak color - Yellow.

What, to some of you, are some of the top possibilities as far Red heroes go?

Thats a tough one not counting the obvious khufu and some other more recent ones. I do like Saoirse. Decent hit and def down also gets pretty fast with her stacks.worh senan in the last one its possible she may show up.

Not sure what requirments are needed to be met for them to feature in SE last 2 had Bk and Asterius who are good.

So possibly decent options could be.
Vanda, Emilio, Saoirse, Elizabeth. Oh and whats her name… the red insect lady from s3? Zenobia?
As some of these had family members available previously could happen.


Also Garnet. Nedezhda in theory, as ToM is already year old.

Reds aside, wondering if Alfrike would be there, that would be no brainer (well, except if Garnet is also available).

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I have a platonic love with The Hatter

If he doesn’t show up I would love to get Garnett

I need desperately a 5* red healer

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It is my understanding that the latest update will contain the soul exchange hero list for those who have the skill to reverse engineer it? Is that correct? If so, has anyone found the list of upcoming soul exchange heroes from update 52?

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Hey buddy, welcome back!

@Elioty33, the forum Oracle of Souls, usually posts an accurate prediction of heros that will be featured in the Soul Exchange :thinking:. They did mention having to wait until the update before providing a prediction - I hope I’m not jinxing them. :crossed_fingers:


only until end of the month :confused: still a long wait

Nope. The true reason is that the planets :ringer_planet: and all their moons :full_moon: align exactly when new update is pushed. Their combined gravity of all celestial bodies will allow @Elioty33 to perform a powerful magical ritual that will enable hit to guess heroes in next SE with 100% accuracy (unless uses Wu Kong’s special beforehand; please don’t do that).


I switched out Wu Kong for Bertufl since I got the later and man what a relief. The reduced accuracy was so frustrating. :roll_eyes:


I got rid of that monkey even before Bertulf existed, I focused back then on defense down and attack up to compensate.

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See? And now not even you don’t miss during Titan battles, but also your predictions and fore sight are 100% accurate! Bertulf rocks.


Good thing you did or else your predictions will be off by 35% accuracy :wink:


I never even bothered leveling up the monkey.

This popped out in our line group.

Not sure if it’s true.


I’m more than ready for @Elioty33 ‘s prediction! Oh, and you don’t have to blink anymore, if Lewena will be featured. :sweat_smile: I was lucky and got her yesterday.

Instead, you can blink if Diaochan, Hulda or Octros are going to be featured. :smile:

This was posted in another thread in here as well, but our oracle doesn’t now, if this is true yet.

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It was posted in the other Soul Exchange topic, but @Elioty33 said he couldn’t confirm it yet. He will start working on some data magic when he finds some free time. I get everyone is very anxious to see some predictions but he is a human being too and has other things to do other than game related stuff. Be patient a bit longer, im sure he will post his predictions as soon as its possible for him to do.


Everyone, still no data about next SE so… Stay Tuned :laughing:

No, I am not pranking you, it’s the honest truth.


Is that cause you haven’t gotten to it yet, or unable to access the info for it still?