[SOLVED / Working as Intended - V36 Update] Lord Loki copying Jott defender makes weak blue tiles

Playing season 3, province 12, stage 5. Main enemy is Jott. I have lord Loki on my team. When I use Loki’s special to mimic jott’s, it SHOULD empower the blue tiles, but instead it weakens them. I know that when using Jott on my team that his special empowers the blue tiles, and when going against him it will weaken them. So when I used Lord Loki, it hurt my offense instead of helped it.

Three screenshots of a video that show the issue. Jott did not use his special.

I think it is working as intended. While there is no question that Jott on offense, he makes the blue tiles enhance their damage. But on defense, there is no tiles to speak of. A defending Jott has specials reducing the potency of the blue tiles. And since your Lord Loki copied the skills of a defending Jott, it is but normal that the effect results to the reduction of the damage of the blue tiles. Please reread Jott’s skills.

I agree. It sucks.


Working as intended


When you find Jott as the main enemy of season 3 provinces, his special skill is written different than the Jott you may have summoned as a hero or the Jott you may encounter in a raid in the opponent side.

In the season 3 provinces, the main enemy Jott always weakens Ice shields no matter from which side the special is casted.

In a raid, Jott empowers Ice shields when his special is casted from the offense or weakens Ice shield when his special is casted from the defense

Hi, could someone help me? I use lord loki for onslaughts, maps and war, I ended up copying the jott in Valhalla, and noticed that the copied skill instead of increasing the power of stones, decreased, would it be a bug to solve?

Not a bug. Working as intended.