[SOLVED] Update Jean Franciou discription on Special for Defence Protection after Hero Buff

You buffed him (thanks) to 5 turns of protection but you missed the end of that line where you still have “changing defence down to +42% defence fir 4 turns”

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Please change category to Bug instead.

@PlayForFun : please let SGG know. Thank you. :)))


I have asked Staff to look at it :slight_smile:


Can someone able move this to bugs please?

Further more add to the bug report that damage is not updated correctly …

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I changed it to bugs and issues.



My Jean-François

He get 5 turns Defense Status Ailment Protection duration as the update say but his burn damage is only 453 for 3 turn not 552 as the update say.

I don’t know what burn damage in the update refer to. His original burn damage is actually 302 not 368.

Ia have 3 Jean picks shared today, after updates, with three different burn damage values.

Note that in the last two, both are full, but with different status.

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I think they refer to his max burn dmg

No, his max burn dmg isn’t 552 as you can see in the picture above.

His max burn damage is the burn damage he has with max sword stat and that one is maxed with choosing swords in emblem path. Clearer now?

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@mods, can we merge with the other topic for FJ bug?

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I noticed thus bug too.

We have now provided more information in the release notes.

Please note that only the turns of protection was increased, not changing the defence.


@Petri, it would be very very much more clear, if all stats would be communicated in the same way everywhere.
So all communications without any emblems, limit break or all including emblems and limit break.

My personal suggestion would be to communicate all without any enhancements, meaining base stats, like it always has been in the past. And it is on the cards in portals as well, only base stats are shown. So why make an exception here?

Otherwise there is no way you can compare stats at all anymore…can you please comment?


@Petri have you had any chance to check above?

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The staff note says that the defense wasn’t changed because there wasn’t a problem with the defense. But the problem is with the burn damage showing incorrectly and there is no info on that.

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