[SOLVED] No War chest loot if player opts out from the last war of the War chest (clean version)

My Member received war chest loot from support!

So you need to contact them in case you‘ve the same problem.

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Yeap, my mates got that messages too.

BUT it’s not the solution, root cause of the problem should be addressed.
Loot should be given in game, without messages to support.

@ElleBlack90 , can we expect a fix in the game?
Maybe this topic should be marked as [KNOWN ISSUE]?


There was an issue that resulted in some players being unable to collect their War Chest. This issue has now been fixed and I’ll mark the topic as solved. Please contact support if you still have not been able to collect your chest. Thank you for letting us know about this issue and my apologies for any inconvenience caused by the issue!