[SOLVED] Leonidas killing himself (negative healing)

My Leonidas was killed by a Ranvir buff


LoL, cool issue :rofl:

This has already happened 4 times in 2 days

Just because he misses

Well…misses would not allow his self heal…

Now, if I understand correctly, that misses causes a negative healing :thinking::thinking: right?

Seems like so, but I think that it is not the intended behavior.


I guess when he misses he falls into the pit himself.


When he attacks, he heals 75% of damage dealt, if he misses, no damage done, so he can’t heal himself. So under critical damage he won’t heal with misses.

I don’t feel there is any true explanation for this behavior outside of a bug

But what do i know


Minus 1818 healing, that bug is funny :joy:


I don’t think you understand the issue, so your comments aren’t really helping anything. Let me try to explain it for you:

Look at the screenshot from the first post.

Look at the card for Leonidas at the bottom. There is a -1818 on him in green text. This means that due to the missed special attack, he healed for a negative amount, and the fact that that happened resulted in him dying. The expected result is that he would heal for 0.

My guess is that the code calculates the damage before determining whether or not he hits, so he would have healed for 1818 if he had hit with the attack buff from Ranvir and the defense debuffs on the titan. It looks like the code is negating the heal value on a miss instead of zeroing it out.


This is definitely a bug.

20 bugged Leonidas / Ranvir.

Edit. Do you have Elkanen? I wonder if he or any other self healing heroes hurt themselves with that bug too.


It’s a more like a bug then.


Super dumb question and somewhat off topic - how do you folks manage screen shots like that? Are you just incredibly fast at taking screen shots? Because how would you know you needed the screen shot until after the action has already happened? I know this sounds dumb, but I’m trying to learn!!

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We record our battles. we can then go back and screen shot things that don’t look right or that we want to show.


hahahaha awesome bug!

I mean, too bad.

Definitely need to open a support case on this, stat!




That’s a real odd one. Feel free to raid me until it’s fixed :crazy_face:

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I tried testing this with Wu Kong on 8-7, and couldn’t reproduce there.

But since it clearly happened to you, I’m gonna say that this bug only occurs with:
a) Ranvir and not Wu Kong, or
b) only against titans

Hopefully that information helps the developer who investigates this.

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