[SOLVED] Grimble got blinded by tinsel

This simply shouldn’t happen!!!


Grimble you have one job…


Exactly and tinsel somehow stopped it. Am guessing same will be with onatel.

Is this a bug or does Tinsel’s SS have some magic to it?

definitely a bug

i mean tinsel’s blind is a new aliment with the way it works, it is an oversight from the development team for sure

Likely will be “investigated” soon.

I have past this on …:+1:

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Thank you for the reports! We will look into this here and update the topic once we know more.


Grimble was hit by Tinsel and the passive accuracy resistance did not occur.

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Nice catch, I am notifying Staff about this.

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I am assuming Onatel and Bertila are also the same against tile-dependent blind effects.

Curious if the tile-dependent defense down is similar?
Does it bypass Kunchen/Kara/Malosi passive?
Apply to Styx heroes? Correct for bards who resist defense ailments by 50%?

try on the new version, it should be fixed


It works now…

Tinsel just hit grimble…


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