[SOLVED] Continuing Event Battle with Gems (12/July)

Seems to me the greatest benefit of this idea is to strengthen and enhance alliances - it would promote much more communication and comradeship with lots of trading for mutual benefit. Agree that you may trade away items which become valuable later, but then you just have to do more trading.


The only thing Iā€™d not want to see is people hopping between alliances just to trade. Perhaps the Leader / co-leaders and maybe elders have to assign someone Trader status before they can trade within the alliance.

Otherwise Iā€™m all for trading, it would just make the game more social and more fun.


I view trading several ways:

  1. I can help that deserving fellow player whoā€™s been with us forever and just needs a little boost.

  2. I can help that new player who would benefit from a set of 3* heroes (or 1-2 missing ones to round them out) NOTE: This kind of trading will most likely not be happening per Petri in his Shortlist of items to be addressed in game.

  3. I can be taken advantage of by player(s) who are only interested in handouts and not all the work itā€™s taken to generate said items.

The first two scenarios are why I like trading. The last one is what gives me pause. If Trading of any kind is ever implemented, I want SG to make sure opportunists are not taking advantage of the player base at large.


It should be possible to help each other with artifacts/upgrading materials within the alliance. Maybe artifact request, gifts between each other, requests for needed materials that rest of a clean can click on (f.ex. Warm cloak-30 clicks or sth simiar).

post and reply moved to appropriate thread. - Coppersky

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I suggest adding the exchange of heroes between the players in the game. For example, I have two identical fire heroes, I want to change one fire hero to an ice hero with any player

Hello Jax. I have moved your post to the discussion already in progress on the same topic. Read up for more information!

thereā€™s a tidbit about trading in this post as well:

Ugh same i have soo many high level items but have no wooden swords or adventure packs lol so i cant do any trainingā€¦ totally opposite issue to you guys lol

Hi is there no way you the dav/staff can set up something to trade in loot for better loot i have 2000 rugget shirt and and other items like over 1000 training manual ect i would love to see a trade in loot for say trade 100 loot to get 1 orb something like that would work please think about this thank you

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It would be grate to have an option that allows you to trade or exchange all type of resources, warriors or materials with other type or with other people Iā€™m in the game like alliance. Please consider this idea asap to work on it and improve the game and let more people to install and play itā€¦

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Is there any way you can set up something to go from base to base for alliance members to help each other out. We really could use something like that. And please reset the daily summons so you donā€™t always get just troops? Last 10 times I did the daily summons I got troops not worth anything. Please help by trying something with these. Thank you for taking time to read this.

For future plans regarding this topic, you will want to refer to the Shortlist here:

Daily Summons is random, either a hero or troops between 1-3*.

I love getting troops from daily summon, more useful than heroes imo.


At least getting heroā€™s you can build up your other heroā€™s. I canā€™t do anything with the troops.

I assume you havenā€™t yet unlocked Barracks (level 10) yet? Use those to level up troops by consuming other troops. (Costs quite a lot of food, but does put your spare troops to good use).

If you donā€™t know about barracks yet, search these forums to learn about them.

If you do, then I canā€™t make much sense of your ā€œI canā€™t do anything with the troopsā€ statement. (I actually prefer Troop pulls from the summon gates to Heroes. I can craft Heroes for fodder (by the bucket-load), but cannot craft troopsā€¦ so gratefully accept every one that I am given).


I have it open yes. I have them all upgraded as far as theyā€™ll go. Now I canā€™t do anything with them and have 60 troops I canā€™t do anything with cause when I upgrade Iā€™ll lose them all anyway

What does that mean (when I upgrade Iā€™ll lose them anyway)? How do you lose troops? Unless you have level 30 troops, you do not have your barracks upgraded as far as they will go. (or 20 on 3 stars).

When you upgrade the building you lose the troops you donā€™t have on a team. Therefore they are useless. Thatā€™s what I meant. Didnā€™t you know you lose them?

Iā€™ve upgraded barracks to level 5, donā€™t remember losing anyone.

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