📘 Snow White: Fables of Grimforest – Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

First of all who is her prince charming? And second

I have them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but she needs way too much food! So I feed and grow my other children at first lol

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Is Snow White worth final Ascension? I have Arielx2, Magni, Alasie,Arthur,Alice and Athena maxed now. Seeing her damage after removing status effects makes me think she could be devastating… Even with slow mana. Thoughts?

Well she lives with 7 Dwarves, no wonder! :joy:

Joking aside, that’s a smart thing to do :wink: get more bench depth before focusing on 5*s

Lol yes! :joy::joy::joy: You are evil :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yes! And If I want to play with her or the other 5* I take them farming on lower map. So they get fresh air sometimes to shake of the dust.

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Yes I would say so. I would assume the slow is necessary so everyone gets buffed and ailed up enough for her damage to be amazing. Plus say bye bye aegir


With proper support, I think she’s worth it. I wouldn’t choose her if she was my first blue 5* though, I’d rather have Magni or at least Richard ascended, as they can provide more buffs / debuffs to dispel and power her skill up

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If you can combo Wilbur + Finley + SW, I don’t think too many lineups can survive that.

Now problem is her slow mana.


Snow White or Isarnia? I have both waiting for mats for final ascension. Misandra is also on the waiting list.

Other blues: Ariel, Grimm, Kiril, Thorne, Triton

For defense I would use neither of those two (SW, Isarnia). For raids and maybe wars I would like one in my offense team. Both are good in combo with Ariel and Kiril. So which one to choose?

There’s a lot of buffs but it’s an average amount of damage I see when I raid with her.


Do you like Snow White? I have 14 scopes, can max her but somehow this project is on hold. After Marie-Therese dissapointment I think much more carefully who to max.

I will max her if I don’t get vela (only 4 scopes in stock), but with so many scopes you can’t go wrong. Still good results on d with her only at 3-70 and constantly platinum. Use her in blue mono stack too, if loaded, my fridas, aegir and kiril made a lot of buffs for her to clean up, although 2 fridas and Grimm kill everyone too. Have to try her on a 3-2 stack, working on it. Overall she is so unique and needs to be maxed to be deadly imo. :slightly_smiling_face:

About 3300 damage to all or 650 damage to each is not average. If she hit harder she’d one shot an entire team at almost full health.

He’s saying that’s the average amount of damage he sees (which seems high for an average to me), not that the damage itself is average.

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I agree. That’s why I said 650 damage to each is not average.

And if someone argues otherwise, total damage has to be considered too. Like I said, a little more and she can one shot an entire team.

For the record, I don’t like her. It takes too much maneuvering to get her full power unleashed.

650 average – to put that into perspective, Snow White hits everyone for about the same power as Marjana does to a single target (before her DoT)

It’s pretty obvious that she couldn’t have been anything faster than slow speed.


See how snow white performs on defense here


I would share videos if I could. I have about 5 raids loaded, using Snow White at 3-70. She is quite good.

Has anyone tried using her in 5 star buff booster tourneys yet? Cause I think she would do massive damage in that kind of tournament.

the Snow White hero possesses a skill that harms them. heroes of his team, discarding the blessings in favor and cleaning everything. kind. of benefit

That is the effect of her skill as is written in her card. Not a bug.