Looking to to play with those who enjoy the game and not compete about who can get the next latest and greatest hero. I have no interest in being in a top or competitive alliance been there done that. I have been playing for 2 years I’m currently at level 70 and in my own solo alliance. English speaking alliance only please.
Look at Global Titan Slayers. We are a great mix with some long term players who don’t rush to the top! War optional, but if in, must use all hits.
The Mandalorian Tea Party could also fit. We’re a pretty casual bunch that still brings down 7* titans. Just let me know, and I’ll open up a slot. We’ve got someone who hasn’t logged in for a week, so I could make room. Rules are attacking the titans most days and use your flags when you’re signed up for war. Some people even miss all their flags on occasion, but we never raise a fuss until it happens often enough to become a bother.
I’ll also put in a plug for Cemetery Seeds–Not my crew, but they’ve impressed me enough that I’ll recommend them too. That should go for something. They’re taking down 8* titans now, I think. Might be higher already, I don’t know
Thank you, I will not be doing anything until after I use my war flags for the current war.
That’s us pal. Take a look at De Raptors. We require using all war flags but that’s it. We help each other with advice and chat about other things sometimes too. I’ll welcome you personally.
Looks like Cemetery Seeds is Invite Only. If you look at their crew and you like what you see, just speak of @Kalis and they shall appear
Level 70 solo alliance is a pretty rare breed.
If you aren’t looking for competitive and usually when people bring up a new shiny hero pulled, others congratulates instead of releasing the jealous green monster, you might want to give us a glance too.
Technicolor Minds
We are made up of mostly long time members (some P2P, some F2P), I myself is just a few days over 1000 days, a few others aren’t too far behind and mostly the around or close to similar player level as you, these were all players who grew with the alliance and while they all had the option of going onto bigger and more competitive alliances with the roster they have garnered, they decided to stay, which I am still very grateful to this very day.
We are killing 7* to 9* Titans mostly these days, our highest being 11* back when we were more full. Wars are optional but we do encourage those who participate to try to use all flags. There will be some hiccups now and then, but this is followed fairly well in general.
In the North family we have 3 alliances, being casual/active playing, All having longtime players like you looking to have fun and enjoy game on their own pace.
They are having a bit different requirements, like some having wars optional, others expecting all to be daily active on regular basis.
Reach out for more info on Line: Julia- north
We are a big family of 10 alliances at all levels, having a great community of shared chats for fun and advice, for members interested in joining the shared chat rooms.
If not on Line check out KotN Desculpa, KotN White Lotus or Veterans of the North in game
Hey @Doklh!
Have a look at our alliance, Moonshine Warriors… currently we have 1 spot left. We are an international, adult and drama free alliance. We got players from level 43 to 77.
Currently we fight 10-12* titans and we require all the flags to be used if opted in war.
If you need more info about us, please check our recruitment thread. Or you can contact us:
Line: magnifique89
Discord: OGdirty1Kanobi#4271
Looking forward to hear from you!
Sounds exactly like what we have in our mangey crew. Thanks for the shout @Kadaxas
I guess you could refer to our thread if you want to do a deeper dive @Doklh but you fit the bill quite ideally it would seem from your initial post.
Yeahhhhhh, still don’t know how to do the link in a post deal yet with this crazy code, but I’ll get there one day.
In your process of searching the realms for a new home, you would be remiss if you do not take a look at the Locker. We are an international alliance who enjoy the game. we have a range of players from F2p to p2w. We normally hang around 10/11* titans, bigger titan loot is not worth the materials to kill. We do use a simple war strategy that is flexible and timezone friendly. We do have line chat but not mandatory.
I hope you stop by and give us a try. My line id is wolfwarrior66.
Carbon Based Life Forms could use you. The core group of five has been together nearly two years. We tried a merger and didn’t work out, so we left and started where all over again.
We use are really laid back and easy going. Recommend usage of all flags in war but understand life sometimes gets in the way. Titan is 3* up to 5*. Hit when possible.
I’m the leader and been playing three years. I’m level 76. Most of the alliance is over 4000 in power. We would love to have you.
Come and try us out. After a few days if you don’t want to stay, no problem.
I think I will join you for a few days and see how it goes, thank you.
Sound like the Shop family is for you…have many F2P players…also have a Shop in the Top 100 but may have a Shop to fit what you are looking for
ONE STOO TITAN SHOP is the only the top 100…
The Paradox Shop cap at 12* Titans coordinate tanks based on war boost
Shop after Dark currently 9* to 11* Titans
coordinate war Tanks for the month while others are building rosters
Ye Olde Curiosities Shop…training Shop but have Veterans come to relax and teach others
I’m sure you have already found your home (and I recognize many of the above names). On the sheer chance that the fit is not quite right, you could always visit Misfit Toys or our sister alliance Mystic Meadows.
We have been around since 2017, but we jump in and out for titan flags, so no worries about long records.
We are casual and competitive, we like to have fun.
Let me know if you’d like to try us out:
Line ID chibipotato16
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