Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

No. I said she is beatable. If she is beatable by 4* teams, why are you people complaining ? You folk do this every new card that comes out. Get better at putting your teams together or go play an easier game.

Bro id crush you. You aren’t good if you can’t figure out a way to beat this card. And you aren’t very smart if you can’t read the reason i put the team like i did. Ive said it several times. Just scroll up and you will figure it out. Why would i take advice from someone who isn’t capable of beating the new card we are talking sbout? I find it easy, so maybe you aren’t very good at this game.

I have beaten her many times and failed many times too, so I know how strong she is.
And if you want to prove how easy she is to defeat, confront her in war, using your 6 flags and see how many times you can defeat her.
By the way here is my lineup and i will end the debate here


Wild! You mean we can have discussions without getting personal in our attacks? What will they think of next?

On topic: this hero does too much. Next up is a dispell/defense down/hit for 400%+/uncleansable mindless attack for 4 turns/1800 damage when that expires. To all.

Just tone her down a little bit- 400 damage per miss would still hurt. But don’t have her do all that she does AND be able to kill the whole team.


Further change from Beta:

Was Druid, now Cleric.

Tagging @djp1997 for info.

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How does that end any debate? Ive beaten her both times i faced her, so what is your point? Your cards aren’t super good or super bad. What are you proving? I never said she wasn’t good. She is a good new featured card, im saying she is easily beatable by anyone with any creativity. You don’t nerf beatable cards!!! Nerfs are for cards that are impossible to beat, not just good cards or they would nerf every new card right after it comes out. You people don’t know what you are asking for.

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In top 10 she appears in 8 teams :slight_smile: She is not OP, she is there by some miracle:-D


First time meeting this slime, and very proud to win

(though she is 80/22, everyone on my team is also the same)

… Only 13 seconds left before I won

Try to counter her with Long-game, tile attack, growth, never-miss, and passive eating minions


Offline over an hour, Earth rank 1 and a couple of :trophy:

Most of the time it takes a team of 5 but the yellow Slug ain’t all that!

I been trying to tell everyone.

growth = Goldie check
never miss = unleveled hotm…had to level cPerseus first. :slight_smile:
passive eating minions…crickets :slight_smile:

Luckyly I dont see her very often in my low regions of play! :rofl:
Or at least not yet…


Yes, growth is always a good thing to bring if it isn’t countered in some way.

see Fungustine

This was flagged? Rofl. And you guys wonder why i don’t take you seriously. Hey, keep it coming. More fun for me.

Elayanith, mine is at 80 and i can’t lb her for a while. I have been taking her in raids and the last war, and she gets killed as often as other heroes. Maybe it’s different at 85 or 90. I’ll tell you when i get there.

Its not different. The defense is way too low for it to survive even wiylthout the owl advantage.

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Def is 1600+. Just keep trolling :smiley:

Thanks, Jwyatf469. I know you are right (cause i am using her too).
And nevertheless, they will defend what they believe until the end. You know, just crazy.

does this forum have no rules? rude members being flagged every second post still get to troll and post freely. Time to do something about it, mods. Otherwise more threads will just get derailed for no good reason


Good Lord there are so many unnecessary posts in here and a LOT of people that have little anger control.

What to look for in a post before you hit “reply”. IS IT HELPFUL? - IS IT NEEDED? - IS IT HURTFUL?

So much in here is a big NO to all three and there is a ton of chest puffing where the only goal is to feel you are right. These specific hero threads are here for those to look how to use the hero, or if it’s worth ascending and what synergies it has with other heroes. So far there is so much crap in here the Sanitation Department is going to give us a fine.

I know you all feel justified in what you are saying but Jesus H, act civil damn it.