Silly question? For a mid-tier player are the Guardians still relevant?

This a may be a silly question and I know it depends on your level of play and the other heroes you have, or if you don’t have a wide roster but for a mid-level player ( I guess that’s what you would call me. :woman_shrugging:t4:) are the Guardians still relevant in today’s meta? I do have one of the costumes.
Edited to add photo of my Guardians:

Yes. Guardian Jackal and Falcon have been in my titan teams for years and should be in most players unless they have a better option. Gazelle and Panther would both be if I had them both.

I don’t use Falcon in war anymore. Jackal still gets some play, but less and less. I am leveling Panther now and expect Panther to get some clean action.

Are they still usable? Yes, but it depends on what else you’ve got.
Are they worth leveling given their limited use? Again depends on what you’ve got and what you want to prioritize.


That’s my Guardian collection. No idea what level of player i am… probably barely hanging on the mid-level :sweat_smile: I use the 3 that are levelled and so far have never found a use for the others.

G. Bat has some levelling simply because of how many times Ive pulled dupes, which I always feed to the original hero (for the increased special skill chance).

Panther came out of the current FS and Im busy working in Cyprian so she may get levelled at some point :man_shrugging:

Hippo is a permanent fixture on my 5* team.

Falcon amd Jackal I use for Titans and that Super Elemental thing and nothing else.

@MagicBunjee made a good case for Bagreg being more useful than Falcon due to increased attack stat.


Guardian Chameleon removes all enemy buffs, even the undispellable ones such as from Aramis. He also changes hero colour, allowing you to use different colour stack against the tank.


EDD is always going to be relevant for titans and sometimes for mono raids too.

So yeah, Jackal/Panther/Falcon will always have a relevance, depending on who else you’ve got.

Jackal is probably my favourite, because holy EDD is the rarest (I think the only other option is c Leonidas, happy to be corrected).

Panther is probably the most accessible dark option (c2 Domitia, c Ursena, Sergei less easy to acquire).

Falcon… fire EDD and ice EDD are the easiest ones to acquire (because of Bagreg and Nordri), and Bagreg is a cheaper investment than Falcon. But if you’ve got Falcon and no Bagreg, I think he’s still worth it.

I don’t have Hippo, she used to annoy me on defenses but now I just slap a dance effect on her. She’s still a threat in a good team, but not as scary as she used to be.


“Mid-tier players” are typically players who use what they have. If they have guardians they use them. The only people worried about “relevancy” are players near the top or players who think they should be but aren’t.

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lol. I certainly am not at the top or especially don’t think I should be.
I guess I should of said I’ve been playing for two years :woman_shrugging:t4:

I guess I don’t know what you mean by “relevant” then. People usually use the term to mean that they’re besieged with options and some of those aren’t going to be chosen by anyone. Most one year players simply don’t have the options. They play with what the game has given them.

Correction, I’ve been playing 2 years (It doesn’t seem that long.).
That is somewhat my dilemma. I don’t want to waste my time on last months HOTM when he isn’t worth the time and materials. I stopped spending on the game quite a while back because well, life. Now I’m very cheap to play. So, yes, I have quite a number of heroes.
But as others mentioned above, there are still uses for Jackal and Falcon for titans. Sadly, I never picked up Hippo but I have Bat and Lemur, lol. I did get Gazelle a while back but was wondering how Gazelle would be used in today’s meta.
Heck, I don’t even know the names of the new heroes let alone anything about them .
I am also just curious about different heroes, the families, etc. The guardians have been around for a while.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. This is helpful. Nordri would be wiped out on the first hit with the 12 star titans my team gets. I have to use a lot of battle items just to stay alive and get any kind of decent score.

Thanks. This is super helpful. Sadly, I never picked up GHippo .

We have 12 star titans and I have to use LOTS of resources just to stand a chance to score something. Thank you so much. This is very helpful. I have C. Leónidas and frankly didn’t even consider leveling him. I don’t have C. Domitia nor do I have Userna. I do have Sergei leveled. Hmmm, he’s worth trying to use instead of Panther? I do have C. Falcon and didn’t know if leveling the costume would help him be more viable.

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you could also use Sergei and Panther together - use Panther for the EDD, and Sergei’s 2nd charge for the attack boost. it may take some mana pots though.

costumes give a stat boost and a small mana gain, so costumes generally help with survivability.


Frida replaces Nordri for double-digit titans, Falcon / c1 Marjana replace Bagreg for double digits, but think you knew that already!


I still use Nordri on 14* Titans. (no other Blue EDD hero). He can survive IF defense boost and attack debuff are active. Which is why I bring c2-Kiril along.

it’s probably not the optimal set-up for maximizing damage, but it works fine enough for me to get A-rank sometimes.

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Rng is rarely kind. In over 2 years playing I have only pulled the hero I was trying to pull on one occasion. When they released Guardian Elephant recently I tried for that one in 2 different portals because I like the art and thought it would be nice to pair with Hippo. No luck :man_shrugging:

Nothing is revelent in this game anymore! A garbage game

Gazelle, particularly n her costumed form is still extremely relevant. My alliance is currently in the top 1000 alliances, and I actively seek out the strongest opponents we face in war. Even against these, cGazelle gets used in almost every war (only left out of 2 this whole year), so I would argue that cGazelle is extremely relevant.

Don’t have Hippo or Elephant so take my opinions on those with a grain of salt. Hippo still seems useful with free damage every time you fire a special skill. More useful if you run mono to get 4 attacks rather than the 2 I would get with 3/2, but still useful nevertheless. I haven’t seen much of Guardian Elephant, but this one looks very dangerous in rush. I use Congalach at times for his damage and stacks in rush. Elephant has less damage per hit, but more devastating stacks. Would probably recommend maxing both, but I can see select heroes being more useful.

Chameleon is very niche. He excels at removing undispellable buffs and on mythic titans. However, unless you are are looking to fill that niche, he isn’t the greatest. Personally, I think if you aren’t looking to compete heavily on mythic titans, he is fairly low priority as you won’t need what he offers all that often. Still nice to have for those select cases though, but more of a luxury than necessity.

Kong with his costume is great and I think still relevant. 300% damage to all is no longer top tier, but it is decent. However, buffs are everywhere, so dispellers are always useful. Red unfortunately does not have many of these so cKong is great. His reflect can also come in very handy. In a recent war, I faced a team with two blue attackers and he singlehandedly removed them from play with this. Overall, no one part of his special is that great on its own, but they all come together very nicely to make him still relevant today.

Panther is also pretty good, but really needs her costume to be able to take a hit. Elemental defense drops are always useful for titans, and not many heroes do this better than base Panther (only c2Domitia and Farrah I think). Dispel is also nice, though her damage is lackluster. Costumed Panther I think is generally the better of the two. While her stats are lagging behind, 285% AoE is still the cutting edge for fast heroes and her additional skills, like cKong’s come together very nicely. An EDD to make your subsequent purple attacks hit harder, and the ever useful buff block can both provide valuable support.

Guardian Owl I haven’t maxed, and I don’t think I will. Even in rush, he is outclassed. Based on how SG is approaching costumes now, I have little hope that a costume would be enough to save him.

Guardian Jackal is middling. A very fast EDD is nice, but I don’t really use him anymore, favoring c2Li Xiu and Waddles as my go-to yellow attackers in 4* arenas, and c1Leonidas as my elemental defense dropper for titans. Basically, I think his best niche is for titans if you don’t have Leonidas’ first costume.

Guardian Falcon can be useful, but more so in 4* arenas than 5* ones, since his bulk leaves a lot to be desired. Even so, I don’t really use him at all anymore, favoring c2Colen for the elemental defense drop, even at slow speed, because he is backed by far better stats and more damage. But he may still have a place if you don’t have the EDD costume for Colen since a Wilbur/Falcon core can do wonders for challenge events.

Guardian Bat and Lemur I don’t use at all. Haven’t maxed Lemur yet, but as a healer, I find his additional effect of the green defense buff is outclassed by Helo’s cleanse, and Frosty’s minion (on the off chance I need to remove fiends).

I don’t know what’s a mid tier player but some guardians are very useful

I use Falcon for challenge events as I dont have C2 Colen and Jackal for Titans

G Panther is great for Titans and even in raids as she has a good dispel

The 3* guardians I’ve never leveled