7D Uprising is looking for permanent members to join our alliance. We focus on team first and are an active, fun group looking to move up into Top 100 territory again.
• 30+ heroes @80
• 30+ heroes @70
• Troops (Legendary, Mana, Magic or Styx) 23+, 17+, 11+
To apply, contact:
Discord - vague_re or missyblu
Line - re99re, xSITDx
7D Uprising is hiring silly and positive attitude candidates
Meet xSITDx, 7DU’s favorite HUL(N)K! And don’t miss the opportunity to join Seven Days Uprising.
Slip into xSITDx DM for more info via LINE @xSITDx
Happy gaming in 7DU. Cheers
#AllianceRecruitment #SevenDaysUprising #SevenDaysFamily #EmpiresandPuzzles
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May 16, 2024, 2:35am
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