Season 4, Province 31, Stage 3 Normal with Hard enemies?

Well, not ignore, they just say “intended behavior”. It is frustrating when you don’t know going in that the next level is twice as hard as the previous one, but I’ve made it through thus far.

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They won’t admit it but the goal of thoses “too hard” stages is probably to force the players to spend items and/or gems to win or force players to retry and spend world energy (and then WE potions)
All tricks are good to make you spend money…

Same story with 32-7N, this time with screens. The annoying thing is, you dont expect it when you have played a couple normal levels and then they end one of your Heroes before you even notice whats happening

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S4 province 35 stage 7 normal has crazy 3600 attack wave enemies. Drops to half that by 35-9N.

Some balance updated for S4 stages:

sorry…what about the players who finished season 4?
do they have to redo the exploration?
thank you :pray::pray::pray:

If you finished them, then it is completed.
You do not need to redo them again.

Those who have not completed these yet will have less problem with the mentioned stages.

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And the extra resources we used to play these stages at the harder level with the biome affect, will we get some compensation for that?

I would not expect any :confounded:

I liked the biome effect :cry:

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