šŸÆ Sawano - 5* Ice / Blue from Ninja Tower

Really poor healingā€¦ seriously needs to be boosted as a minimum

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I pulled her when trying for Iga.

Tested Sawano out as 1/1 in a few places.

I think her strength is the heal all on special skills. She pairs well with taunt heroes. She makes taunt heroes survive longer. It is better than heal over time buffs because it mitigates multiple ultimates cast against you before the next tile movement.

Ex. Enemy saves up two ultimates to snipe out your tank. Sawano heals 300-400 after the first hit, giving the taunt hero enough hp to survive the second.


I also pulled her liking the art but hoping for a buff. Good stats questionable special

hello a mediocre hero who does not take into account the feedback in the testing phase and the needs of the current meta

If sheā€™s in the generation with oniwakamaru, they probably work well together in their prime. But unfortunately theyā€™re generations apart now and it just doesnā€™t work. Maybe if her triggers boosted health instead then itā€™s something different


Was happy to pull a ninja that i knew was a newer one based on the name but unhappy to see how bad this one is.

I think this is the worst of all the new ninjas and even worse than many of the old outdated ones as well.

They just relese way too many heroes that this will keep happening (too OP or really bad because the quota is more important than balance)

I have maxed her, and I really like her. I was in need of a percentage healer, so she definitely got my attention. About 1000 heal at first charge is damn good!


i agree i really like it
v.f hiler and buff that gives heal if someone try to hit plus this new passive

donā€™t forget that milena was planned to be nerfed in original balance as they thought hero heal too much for v.f

i dont think he will be buffed ,maybe im wrong /hope Iā€™m

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Iā€™m leveling Sawano now. Gonna see how she stacks up on certain teams.

Can you do a video testing her on raids, pls?

I donā€™t have a YT channel, so sadly not. But thereā€™s not much to see actually. She heals great at very fast, and thatā€™s exactly what I was looking for.

She would probably be very useful in this new ancient terror war where fast healing is key


Are you a beta tester? Cause in fact all the beta testers (for some unknown reason to me) said this hero was well balanced. Just curious what exactky you meant by feedback in the testing phase?

Are you a complete sentence?

Buff Sawano! Please.




Interesting haha. @PlayForFun any chance for a Hero Balance thread?

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I think the difference is that Milena cleanses all, if Sawano cleansed all he would be more decent but cleansing one hero is useless :sweat_smile:

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wel he heals more almost double if is used secondary effect and passive that is one of better in game say a lot too me :wink:

Having a reliance on the enemy firing is not very effective IMO and I would rather a cleanse all, than the secondary effect. But each to their own :sweat_smile:

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Here is it for you:

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