Same titan colors keeps coming

Hi, Since 10 days ago i’m in a new alliance since then i saw 6 green titans 3 reds 1 blue… it always keep these colors 3 days ago we got a red, green,red… it really starts to be annoying it are always the same colors… some other alliances expierince this ? or why is this ? we sometimes jump from a 9 to 10* but when we go higher, or drop same color comes… before we haved a 9* green went to 10* a 10* green we failed and went back to a 9* red / green… is it a bug or just random RNG ? always tought titans rotated or it was always like that thnx for the help

I’m pretty sure it’s just the RNG screwing with you. We have periods where we get multiples of the same color, and periods where it rotates every titan. There doesn’t seem to be any pattern to it.

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then ill hope srewing is over fast lol ^^ whole alliance start to get annoyed by it… :slight_smile:

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