🤺 Rochefort – 5* Dark / Purple from Brave Musketeers

Maybe I should extoll the virtues of a hero more often.

Had a summon from Rare level. Clicked on Rochefort in the portal and then…

Am bouncing right now!!


Congrats on the top tier summoning success.

He is a semi-sniper/AoE hero.

His special will do serious damage to the entire enemy team if you kill the hero that Rochefort marked. The synergies with other heroes make him extremely flexible in pairings, ideally pairing him with another dark that hits hard to get the kill without needing to match more tiles. Erlang also springs to mind, take damage if cleansing Erlang’s ailment, or risk taking damage by dying.

I hope you enjoy him!


Once again they show that although they say they will reduce damage % in favor of stats, they continue to keep % high and make stats higher. Heroes like Vivica w/ costume and Fortuna are almost becoming required to survive a hit from the newest heroes. Defense up is no longer enough, attack down is needed.


Ugh if you thought Aramis was difficult…Im ready to throw my phone fighting against all the teams with this giy at lvl 90


Have you tried them already, or just expecting it to be tough?

This is what SG does. They feature one good hero, one okay hero, and one not so good. They will never have multiple good heroes at one time… $$$.

Covenant portals say no

omg when u face him u will se what it means OP hero, he hit you, leaves very very low health and slash attack or atack kills u next if not in same turn and all team gets almost 800damage extra

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How does this work, if the enemy is killed directly by him, will the second effect be activated and all enemies will take damage?

Happy gaming

No, target needs to survive the attack in order to achieve this status


Getting him done after Darkfeather


I think he has an interesting mechanic and can be pretty dangerous … not sure about him as a tank but for offense he’s great even at average

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Been messing around with quintin, carmenta, and this guy. At 2/60, if quintin and rochefort hit and don’t kill, carmenta comes and cripples the entire team. Kills 3 for sure, and usually kills other 2.


I understand the synergy between Quintin and Carmenta, do you mind explaning how Rochefort fits into it? Do you use Carmenta to spread Rochefort’s effect to an additional nearby enemy?

My Musketeer collection is now complete.


Then any of potentially 3 will have same, and you can get damage to all from 3, at least up to 3.

Happy gaming


Mentioned in guild chat I that I may quit soon and then Zynga got all like ‘UwU? NO! You ain’t quitting on us just yet!’


But she will have to fire twice to spread to all enemies right, since on the first fire she would only spread to the 4th? I assumed by the 2nd fire the enemies would likely be dead before they spread to all lol.

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That’s the secret to getting these Heroes put it like this every time I click the summon gate I always start saying like I don’t even know why I bother even spending these coins I know I will get nothing and end up with the good stuff.

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Roche give it to 1 (but damage 3)
Carmenta spread it to another 2
So totally 3 enemies will have it after both have fired.