RNG? Is it really RNG?

So I’ve been playing this game going 2 years I think now maybe a bit longer.

One thing to notice is that I’ve pulled 3-4 same 5* hero’s from training camp.
How random is it that I pulled the same 5* heros?

I’ve pulled 5 isarnias 4 azalar 4 khagan. 4 Marjana 4 thorne 4 quintus.

This was from running 4 tc running for days on end. It almost feels like it’s not random at all and it’s actually on a timer.
Since I kept on getting the same pulls I’ve switched some tc to complete at different hours and times go see if it changes out the variation of 5* and I’ve managed to get couple vivicas horghall

I haven’t even sniffed a magni or Elena

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Summons are ridiculous