🦉 Relius – 5* Nature / Green from Owl Tower

Can you do some tests with AoE enemies?
First take a screenshot when the AoE hits all of your heroes without Relius’ buff.
Then repeat the same, but with Relius’ buff active.

I did this for my Paeia 1-1 and found this formula for the damage reduction:

For Relius with maxed special skill the formula should be:
damage reduction = - 0.4 x (attack - defense) + 400 (probably round down)

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My rough data so far suggests that def of hero > than attack damage, damage is severely reduced, often to 1. I’m looking for the line where it goes from 150 damage to 1. Opposite is true… When attack is greater than def, it seems like damage reduction is maybe half. Still present, but not 1.

I presume the damage reduction is in chunks… Not percentages, so I’m just looking for the Delta line…

so you are still happy with him?

The answer is a quick, without a second thought, yes… But… I have arco and arco is a much better healer than rel… So I’m trying to figure out where rel is a better fit on a team than arco.

Obvious places like when we are facing a bera tank… But not really on a dot damage team… Not on my main raid team… Hathor is so damn good that I prefer using her… So that is the only issue I have conflict with. But it is a good problem to have.

Tried rel on a Titan. The damage was reduced, but not by nearly what I thought it would be.

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The directly visible damage reductions are 220 204, 236, 205 and 198, but the reductions are applied to the regular damage formula which varies by ±5%, so this is only a rough approximation.

How much is the base defense during the battle of these heroes?
Especially interesting are the base defense of Matilda, Charon and Relius as their reduction are close to 200, which is the min damage reduction.
=> If you have the min damage reduction, add 500 to the base defense and you should have the titan’s attack value
=> does this give a reasonable result or the titan’s attack?

I tried to get a mix of defensive values… I’m still surprised with the result.

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If I try to put a reasonable attack value into the calculation to approach these results, I can roughly manage this for all heroes, except for Relius.

max reduction attack defense difference reduction calc reduction
Pengi 800 1650 1221 429 220 228,4
Matilda 800 1650 1154 496 204 201,6
Hathor 800 1650 1305 345 236 262
Charon 800 1650 1206 444 205 222,4
Relius 800 1650 1633 17 198 393,2

The titan’s attack would be around 1650, and the deviations would be from the ±5% variance of the damage formula.
It just doesn’t fit with Relius’ defense and his damage reduction. It looks more like Relius damage reduction is fixed to 200 here, whereas it should be in the range of 400 due to his high defense.

Is this behaviour limited to this boss battle or does this happen also in raid battles?
I thin I have to check for my Paeia 1-1 again. My tests only had her get 12 reduction as per formula, but it can be that this was actually just 10 and her damage reduction is also incorrectly fixed to the minimum value.

Hope they fix the not healing the revived issue with Relius. Do we need to contact support or have others done it?

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@PlayForFun supposedly took it to staff on another post in the “Bug” forum.


Yea he did with the red owl they will fix them before the portal come around

Yes, it is reported here:

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I used rel a bit today… Seemed like his damage down was not as impressive as at launch… Is this my imagination expecting the worst or are y’all noticing anything?

Any more input on the reduction seen? I am leveling now but haven’t really tested so I have nothing to go on. Maybe just an odd mechanic?

It will probably go up and down. The mechanic is a clear attempt to let the algorithm guide which way the battle is going to go. It’s the same thing as evades and dodges, and manashields. It’s more control for the algorithm and less control for you. Just go with it, man, you can’t fight it.

Again… Using a friendly attack with a teammate…

But the damage… It feels like it has changed. Many fewer 1s…

I see screen shots from repress, also a teammate. I’ll hit her later in a friendly with the exact same team same see if there is an appreciable difference.

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I’m working… Kinda, so I’ll let’s y’all take care of the compare and contrasts.

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Ya’ll are fired.

Kull Hit 1:
on Hathor, reduced to 1
Kull hit 2:
on Hathor reduced to 1
on Charon, reduced to 402 (though kull is holy so it should benefit from the further reduction)
on Hathor, reduced to 294
on Charon, reduced to 12
In the above, obviously the first 300% hit is reduced to one for either, and the subsqeuent 470% hit is what leaves a mark
on Relius, reduced to 1,
Oh Charon, reduced to 381

Hohenwerf hit 1:
Hathor, reduced to 569
Hohenwerf hit 2:
on Relius, reduced to 342

Khonshu hit 1:
on boril, reduced to 620
on Relius, reduced to 599
on Hathor, reduced to 376
Khonshu hit 2:
on Relius, reduced to 186

So… just my imagination then… since khon’s hit was actually lower in the 2nd hit than the first…


They really released these Owls when they were buggged/broken haha

Can we atleast get her Revive the. 30% heal to actually work first please wtf


I agree but they definitely will buff these guys before next portal comes up