Regular Status: when will I become a Forum Regular?


(Regular badge on Empires & Puzzles Community Forum)


I tried to avoid it, but for the third time the responsibility of trust level 3 has been thrust upon me.


I would like to thank SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, certain social economic systems, certain political systems, for forcing me to find a place to hide while at home.

Moore’s Law, Wirth’s / Pages’ Law, The Law of Supply and Demand for allowing me to log into the forum from my smartphone, even while running errands in my car while wearing a face shield, neck gaiter, cloth mask cover and a surgical mask.

Finally I would like to thank @Petri, @KiraSG, and everyone else paid to run the forum , @Garanwyn, @zephyr1 and everyone else volunteering to run the forum, the vocal/ lurking regulars on the forum, and the awesome players who make this forum worth visiting.


Even you @Rigs ( just teasing. . .
or am I ? )


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