Reduced damage?

Anyone notice or see reduced damages? This was after a 10 combo strike. The center was already dead and they were already damages. Standard raid… they had 200 more TP to give all info. Still seems that unless critical or opposite element, tiles are landing between 20-33 in damage while weak I see 10-15. I thought combos increase damage output? Ile try get snap shots of combos hitting for update.

Scarlett lowered your attack a great deal… I’m guessing that is what happened?

Attack down can really hurt. I’ve had Lianna hit like a wet noodle after Zeline goes off.


It’s possible scarlet had an impact. Ile post few more examples when I can.

If you were using yellow, purple, or green tiles, Scarlett definitely had an impact. -34% attack is not insignificant.

None of the damage went over 50… and that was critical. No modifiers cast yet. Same person I loss too after 10 combo. I should have recorded the after math. Took 3 more turn take down center, then I died. Of course I’m using rainbow for trial, but that’s show that all tiles do damage.

Oh look! It shows modifier. Combo went up by .10 each combo? That’s absurd! So yeah think they nerfed it. Been playing over a year and I wouldnt have posted if I didnt think something was up. 1x is normal damage. So my 10x. Should have been 2x damage… makes sense why combo is ineffective. Only last strike would have been 2x.

Edit: my bad 6x is 1.5x… so 11 combo would be 2x damage…

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Your weak attack deals 10 damage (close to the minimun) that means that your target defense is quite higher than your attack. A high combo would end doing 20 damage. If you have a damage debuff your attacks will deal 2/3 than normal: 30 damage will be 20.

I am not sure what applies first, debuff or multiplier, I’d say debuff but not sure at all.


Yeah think his talent grids are much higher then mine. Regardless, still think something not right in Denmark. Not when each opposing normal hot is around 140 damage. With turn line up, I literally have a single hero constantly picked out that gets hit 3x times. That’s apprx 420 standard damage but changes by thier bluffs or element. If you reach 10x I would assume u should be doing close to equal damage as if you hit them directly 3 times. RIGIRDS max health without talent is 1166… he should have been mortally wounded from that 6x onslaught.

Those numbers make sense to me given that you’re not buffed and not color stacking. Also given what we know about how damage calculation works:


So atk divided by def times 1.35 multiplier?

(attack divided by def) exponent 1.35