Recruits II / Recruits 2 - Epic Troop Token 50% chance - JUN 21 - YES!


For recruits per energy.

But people farm non 1.8-7 stages for many reasons.

My preferred stages are 1.7-4 for filling Wanted Monster mission chest ( Monsters, Rugged clothes and string ) and 1.7-7 for farming for Rugged clothes. I have 7525x Common Herb so 1.8-7 not that exciting.

I love Recruits I and Recruits II for recruits per auto play hour. Not as fast as loot tickets, but still a lot of recruits fast.

([Comparison] Speed recruit farming or Comparing Recruits per Autoplay hour for AR+2.6-9N, s1-8-7, s1-7-7, Recruits I & II quest ( Updated 2019-May-27 ))

Worst Energy Per Loot

I think my least favorite quest stage is last stage of Common Battle items ( skip ). If I Recall Correctly it is 12 World energy for some Arrow Attacks. But most of the last stages of most Common quests are pretty bad.

As far as I can tell, the Devs put a lot of though into ascension items and hero XP, then ran out of ideas for stages. Season 2 is much more interesting.

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