Ranking error in weekly tournament

No bragging intended, but as this bug can only be identified in the visible ranking (aka Top100) of the weekly tournament, i’ll add this here.

Obviously, there is some difference between the ranking and the rank displayed in the bottom. Might be just a visible bug, but on the other hand might affect loot tiers for some players as well.
Restart didn’t change anything. Maybe others can crosscheck? :thinking:

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An alliance member confirmed the problem:

Tagging @Petri @Saanzi @Gabteeni for attention.

Hi! Thanks for reporting this, we are investigating it.
Is the rank consistently showing as different, all of the time @TriNitro ?

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Thanks for your reply. :+1:
The ranking showed the ranking correctly yesterday for both the alliance member’s account and mine. This morning, we both realized the differences shown above. Impossible to say, whether this problem affects other players as only top 100 is displayed and can be checked on my end.
However, the problem persists after rebooting the app/clearing cache and the rank decreases further - while being still ranked 11th on leader board, the ‘caption’ states 196 now. As far as I see, there is no discrepancy between the points shown and granted from the fights - but it looks like there might be some difference in points that are used for the two different rankings? :crazy_face:

off topic: I faced @gregschen twice yesterday and once he was worth 727 points the second time (just minutes later) 726 points. I guess this is just another rounding coincidence and not contributing to the problem at all.


@TriNitro We are having some trouble reproducing and debugging this on our end. If you see this happening again, please report to me again, you can ping me here. Note the time it happened and take a new screenshot if you can. Thanks so much, and sorry about this.
(Note that there is a brief moment when the battle day changes when the leaderboard might show results for previous day, while ranking at the bottom is already using the new battle day, but this should not last more than 1 minute. Any other time or for longer period is unexpected.)


Thanks for your reply. :smiley:
Follow up: after finishing day three, there was a misplacement in the ranking by one rank only for a short time. But as this vanished in a couple of minutes, that’s not a problem at all. Until now, everything seems to work fine again. However, i keep my eyes open and check the ranking frequently (keep fingers crossed that i can maintain top 100 :wink:).

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