Purchase error message when I’m not trying to buy anything

So I keep getting a purchase error message when I’m not even trying to buy anything. When I’m doing things around my base, in a battle, even if the app is open but I’m reading something on the internet it pops up. I really hope it’s not trying to charge me for something I’m not even trying to buy. This happening with anyone else?

@maliciousbuthot, if i remember right u were one of the poor players had bug with continue a fight in quest. Maybe devs changed their mind and try to compensate before event ends? Just a guess…@petri can u confirm/deny?

Yes. Is this happening with anyone else?

Have you contacted SG yet? What have they said?


When I went to the support page it said to post in forums first to see if it’s a known issue before submitting a support ticket. Which is why I was asking if anyone else has this issue. If no one else responds tomorrow then I will submit a ticket.

(You can also use the search function—use a few key words—to see if anyone has posted anything on it. I’ll try word variations as well.)

This was the only one I found that seemed close, but was not the same:

Can't purchase special event gem offer

2 posts were split to a new topic: [Russian] Android issue buying gems

I went ahead and submitted a support ticket. Do you know if anyone has gotten a refund for gems issue? Maybe they have been trying to refund the 225 in gems maybe? Thanks for helping @Rook me with this issue I know you guys are super busy

Yes, I have been getting this same error too. Very annoying and hopefully it is not trying to charge me something

I know they are working on the refund issue yes. I hope you get an answer soon on your (separate?) issue. :slight_smile:

Update so far. Contacted Apple /ITunes they have informed me that it’s only happened with this game and since the games update that it is a technical issue with the actual game itself and not with ITunes or Apple. To verify this I downloaded a game that does in app purchases and haven’t had any issues with that one. Note it only pops up when E&P is open. :frowning: Hopefully there’s an update. Side note : got a refund on the gems ((which is what I thought was causing the error message)) So I’m a Happer Camper about that thanks guys for the refund and the quick fix during the event :+1::heart_eyes: