🕵 Poppy – S4 Hero – 3* Holy / Yellow: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Crit chance does not affect special skills attack, just tiles.


And minions attacks. :slightly_smiling_face:

And slash attacks :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ok guys, thanks for correcting me :slight_smile: Will need to find someone else to add there then :roll_eyes:

Here are my thoughts on Poppy! :smiley:
Poppy POWER takes on 5 star def team- Incredible finish!


Fabulous. Imagine that guy checking who beat him and going…whaaaaaaat?


LOL, i didn’t even consider that hahahahahaaha.
I would be SOOOOOO disappointed!
I wonder if i should Limit Break one or more of my Poppy’s… would be interesting!

Awesome victory. I would advice you to analyse the board more thoroughly. They a multiple moments to create a yellow diamond. The openig board has a diamond in two turns. At 1.20 there was a diamond match. Easily overlooked by the Underwild tiles.

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I’m levelling my third one now with pirates at the end of the month, she’ll be great

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@Blord This is fantastic feedback, matter of fact but without putting someone else down!
I need to slow down and consider how the tiles will fall rather than hoping!
@Marie1 3 for pirates will be great, hopefully I can have a top 1000 finish in the 3* tournament :crossed_fingers:

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I did it …and what should I say… :wink:

Fantastic! :slight_smile:


Terrific win, well done you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’m putting my 3 Poppy’s with Kvasir and Costumr Dawa and may the tiles be with me :grinning:

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I limit broke one! Loving it


@JRH & @Patrick09 that’s awesome! I will do mine tomorrow! Well done to both of you, great decision, I look forward to hearing how you go in tournaments and events with her!
@Marie1 that’s a nasty team :slight_smile:

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I have two and she is a deadset beast. I play 3 stars without emblems and can’t imagine limit breaking one. However, in any form she is an absolute standout, must have 3 star imo.

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I defeated stage 10 TOL with my Poppy’s haha


INSANE Slayers Family Bonus


You missed out on a diamond @1:20

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I know, super annoyed about that… literally couldn’t believe it until i re watched it haha.
Hope you enjoyed it regardless :smiley: