Players be like . .

Jumping on the perhaps-off-topic bandwagon but … Twilight Zone covered this scenario very well :grinning:


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E&P is not fair to us. Players are never happy!


There are only a few ‘free’ pleasures in life that you can do with one hand that you’ll never get bored of… but none of them should be done in public.


That post will probably be flagged, but not by me … it made me smile :wink:


And watching Highlander 2 makes you regret a whole lot more than that :joy::joy:


You would have thought some had told them, “there can be only one”.

Off topic…why I’m still not a moderator

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Steel Chap = Gadeirus
Straw Bloke = Namahage
Scaredy Tiger = Azlar
Tito the Wonder Pup = Greymane

Dorotea = Ameonna (after the witch dried off - you didn’t REALLY think a bit of water would kill her did you?)


Players be like…

This game cheated me. It said there is a 1% chance of getting my new favorite hero. I did 100 and then 1 more pull and didn’t get it. That’s mathematically impossible!


Ok, I’ve got no retort for this one :joy::joy::joy:

97% of players be like…

I’m just going to watch this unfold and not comment. Nobody knows that I am viewing this thread…except the OP.


What a glorious response. Can we start posting this every time someone is b***ing?

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The key is to find what niche you want to be in. If you want to be the best of the best, you’re going to be very miserable because it will never happen. The 1%ers with cement boots will never get out of that spot.

Stop caring about cup count, it will make you miserable. Start cup dropping and filling your raid chest. Unfortunately the game revolves around cup count for leaderboards, but leaderboards are worthless if you really think about it (see first paragraph).

I think the most rewarding thing is to find an active alliance and be the best help to them by having fully ascended 4-stars and working on your 5-stars. You’ll feel better when you’re with others who have the same goal as you, and the game will be fun because you’ll organize with friends to take down titans and wars.


I like candy! I’ve had ups/downs with E&P, some days want to quit, haven’t yet. If my Alliance wasn’t great, I’d have likely quit, Alliance makes it worth still playing. Wars, Titans, Line App, etc.

When they pull back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz, they find…What is this hero? / Chuck norris + e&p = 💓


what would be funny is if a poster commits one of the aforementioned sins, just quote/link a particular, applicable reply to a posted reply in this thread.

Tag moderators to “close duplicate thread” and move on. :smiley:

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Why would you try to bring logic and common sense to this place of cyanisism and myopia? We would be resigned to focus only on actual game mechanics and discussions about statistical bodies of evidence. How dull. :wink:

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@Brobb @JonahTheBard I think I love you. Made my day! :smile: :hippopotamus:


Im not complaining Im C2P, i have some HOTM and event heroes.
And i can wreck every team. :3 …


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I have 2 hotm, one from a token the another from a single pull.I finished two epic and one legendary event with regular 4s heroes.Dont want to keep up with the big spenders they have zero effect on my game.The rewarding places dont worth the battle items.Ok this one is not fair, or i would say this is a design error.
Sorry(a little) for my bad english.

Edit: I realised this thread just a joke, now im really sorry that my english is bad. :smiley:

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And that’s the reason why some of the top players are not here anymore… last month I did 50 pulls ‘cause I really wanted to get HOTM
I just got only 2 4* and a bunch of repeated 3*
So total 48 pulls just a waste of gems (money)
I know this is a random process but come on they should improve the way we get descent heroes like increasing the chances just like they did when you have reached max hero level and their skill still in 7/8 they increased the chances for you to get skill improve. Since then I wont spend my money summoning I better keep raiding with my common heroes and improving my troops.