🦅 Otso – 5* Ice / Blue from Legends of Kalevala

Don’t know why his damage amp needs to be conditional, there is no need to

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Tested him a little bit last night in some map levels and have to say, I think we are getting a little spoiled with some of the OP cards that are coming out these days. I would have loved a card like this when I first started playing.

Would I like him to be fast or average even? Of course. Will I SE him? You know what, I’m not sure I will. Unfortunately for him, I have higher priority blues so he’ll sit by default.

Fingers crossed for some feedback from those who do take a chance on him :+1:


Yeah, they got HotM treatment. At least LNY heroes have that nice passive (though with C-Diaochan, C-Zhuge and more C-W3K coming they will lose some relevance) and even Ox has some niche, but Otso seems weak even in VF mode.

I think he’s good… :wink: :wink:

He’s better than my Cao cao at lb1, has more damage 380% > 330%. Has like 300 more power and heals himself. What’s not to like?

compare him with his hero that come before he comes

ruadh do massively more damage ,more than a double heal and is boosted ,massively attack up and massively defense up at same speed and better stats


No doubt the ones you buy are better than the monthly/seasonal ones.

i don’t say he is bad ,just not on pair with heroes today and thatvhe miss something to do for team

Idk why most of the times I received such a stupid cards mehhh don’t like him slow and mehh

Got a free hero token. Pulled this guy while taking a dump. I token, one turd.

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One or two turds? 20 plops

Just used my last Tome on this blob. Anyone finished him yet?

I brought him to the maximum level, even though I know he’s not a top hero.
At least he has approximately current stats.

As an f2p since 1,5 years, I have enough telescopes and he can help me in a rush.

Possibly even with the red titan and mythical titan —> Special skill mark special & stacks !

However, I won’t LB him!

It’s a shame they didn’t improve it a bit !!!
For example healing also for the neighboring heroes.

Compare him with Mylady de Winter. Her special is much much better, but her stats are outdated.


Otso looks like a powerful hero, especially with that +20% defense boost and strong healing abilities. I’m curious how effective the Special Skill mark will be against certain enemies, especially with the stack mechanic. Has anyone tried Otso in a defensive setup yet? Would love to hear some firsthand experiences before I decide whether to summon!

Im also curious to see how he performs for people. I have him, not sure what I’ll do with him. I dont think hes as bad as some have made out, I got my ■■■ kicked in a raid by a team containing Otso, and him firing time and again was a big reason why. Pair him with mana generators and I reckon he’d do pretty well.

(still think he should average speed though).

I have the Good luck to pulling him, but I’m disappointed. Came to topic to see some uses and got more disappointed, he is not even regular for the actual heroes :frowning:

He is not the best card, but is useful for new players.

His function is similar to Isarnia, i.e. HitAll + Def-down.
His Def-down is weak (perhaps will be -5% or -10% to few enemies), but it is permanent and is stacked with regular Def-down

He is worse than Isarnia Toon, but arguably better than other costumes with CB2 as compared here:

NOTE : in fact this two can be a good combo with slow-ice Hit-all.

(All are 4/80. Toon is CB3. CIsarnia is CB2)

  • Overall Stat : Toon > Otso > CB2
  • %Damage+AttackStat : Toon >> Otso >> CB2
  • Durability : Toon (OP passive) ~ Otso (with self-heal) >> CB2
  • Def-down : CB2 > Toon > Otso
  • Cheap to level : Otso > CB2 > Toon

My daughter account pulled him and I think he is good for her account , especially for cheap leveling.

He will be used for all PvE and mid-tier raids. He can serve new players account well until they can find better heroes in the future.

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A bit of experience on his 6-turns “special skill mark”:

  • This skill mostly penalize V.Fast heroes (also multi-charge heroes who can 6 tiles) e.g.
    • VFast heroes on offense usually fire >3 times, so got >15% stack
    • Fast heroes may got 2 times, around 10% stack
    • Others slow heroes may be 0-1 time, so practically 5%

(note that this observation could also apply to Sir Casmir to penalize hard on VFast opponent)

  • If he can fire > two times, stack on VFast and Fast heroes can become significant, and uncleansible

  • He is suitable to synergize with other ice Defense-down heroes (like ToonIsarnia), and some protectors to keep him alive and fire in a battle-of-endurance (long) game

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