Opera Heroes Balance Update

Note: This balance update will go live at 2023-11-30T07:00:00Z.

As our 2 existing Opera Heroes prepare to join their friends in the first Secrets of the Opera event, we’re giving them a little bump to be on par with the rest of the Family’s power level.

Phantom of the Opera

  • Attack: 933 → 945
  • Defense: 920 → 933
  • Health: 1670 → 1707

New Passive: Resist Attack Ailments


  • Attack: 873 → 887
  • Defense: 945 → 959
  • Health: 1753 → 1796

New Passive: Resist Defense Ailments

We hope you’re looking forward to discovering the Secrets of the Opera!

Thank you for your continued interest and support. Best of luck in the battles!