Opening Chests - Discussion

Did you know that your Cupcount has to be 1800 or more when opening the chest? So if u fill the chest at 1790 cups just do another raid with +10 cups and open the chest afterwards.
Eitherway hardcore grinding to get a higher loot tier isn‘t really worth it. You will get to 1.8k cup tier when it‘s time for your team to compete there constantly

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Hey Maaeetz, thank you very much for your message. Thanks for the suggestion, i rolled 200 300k food for finding an enemy which is not 3500 4000 :(((((((((((
Last night i’ve sold my soul to devil and i’ve reached 1950 with my pathetic 3100 team :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But today i see that people farmed me and dropped by -300 haha… Nice…

Now killed 8star titan and a battle manual dropped wich is useless now sigh. Need one more trap i must go to the mountains and scream so bad. :joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Anyway i am ultra happy with my one star three reward from platinum chest “shrug” :no_mouth:

Haha take it from me, the platinum chest doesn’t really give you much better stuff than the gold raid chest. I’ve gotten maybe 1 or 2 non-farmable ascension items from it over the past 2.5 months…and I clear 1-2 raid chests daily :roll_eyes:

And as Maaeetz said, your trophy level at the time you open your chest is what dictates reward level. So if you fill your chest but want to win a few matches first to jump to the next tier, just do that and open the chest once you reach the desired level.

I agree, spending on this is like throwing your money into the wind.
It’s like a casino, all the odds are against you.

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Getting the odd bad chest is understandable, but when a DIAMOND chest keeps producing garbage it’s no longer a DIAMOND chest, it may as well be a cardboard chest.


After months of getting absolutely nothing from chests, I was getting nothing but easily farmed items and a handful of gems, today in the space of about 15 minutes i got two 4 star ascension items, now I’m actually convinced I’ve used up all my luck for the year and I’ll never get anything good again :wink:


@Richie that was a pretty good catch. I hope it happens again for you.
They really need to make opening chests an exciting thing. At this rate, it’s such a boring part of the game.
People are opening DIAMOND chests for the same garbage over & over & over…

This is what happens when you buy lottery tickets: mostly you lose. If mostly you won, then it wouldn’t be as exciting, would it?

Of course, nobody is compelling you to keep buying them. You could just go play Candy Crush. I’m sure that would feel like less of a gamble to you.

I beg to differ with you @Brobb, I don’t find loosing to be very exciting.:thinking:

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Opened 14 Platinum chests since the start of the month and the best thing has been a raid flask. Will be opening another chest later in platinum.

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Lottery tickets, just lottery tickets. Better chances for diamond than platinum, platinum than gold and gold than silver (so I guess they passed science (though I’m not certain the relative economic value of those substances ought to have been covered in that particular class)) but at all levels most of those tickets are just rubbish, as they should be.

In any case, I’m confident SG passed both Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Finance 101 - their approach to chests seems to have built a wildly successful game. Not so sure about Stage 1 Marketing, but who really cares about marketing, anyway.

@Brobb, I hate to break it to ya,
it is a hero adventure game, rewards for effort etc etc.

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This is not a casino game, you’re right. It is a game about repeated very low probability draws. Keep living in denial about that and keep being disappointed.

It is the same method as slot machines, is it not? And seemingly with the same addiction level.

Happened to my alliance mates too. They posted these in our Line group:

I’m still in awe of that last one…


On the other side of the coin, here is a Blue Chest , from my alt

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I had very similar Green chest two days ago. With my luck I should never go to casino.

Today I got good loot, the last unfarmable from monster/raid chest were 5 days ago



Filled Nature chest this morning




I don’t remember when was the last time I got even one epic token fromt elemental chest, maybe 3 months ago. However some days ago this happened and i was really pleasantly surpirised.