Open your eyes Zynga

Good night.
Where can we gain the new troops, when new buildings appear and the remaining advanced buildings are unlocked?
500 new heroes, difficulty to obtain and the ascension items that never come, are making most players fed up with the game.
When you open your eyes and see that the players have a point?


You can gain new troops at the hero academy.


So, what it is you are wanting forum users to vote on? Confused :upside_down_face:


Were you win trainner troops?

Well you could have been more specific, and referenced trainer troops by name

Anyway so far they have only been given for free and there is no info on them so your speculation about buildings be etc it’s meaningless

Regards hero rate - yes there have been loads released. Too many in a short space of time however the issue with ascension mats is nothing new and it’s surely only a problem if you do loads of pulls -the biggest issue is the very fast power creep id have thought?


I’m not speculating, just loaded with iron, no items to make weapons and loaded with iron, and always running out of meat, but as they already sell packages of meat at Christmas, I don’t believe that any new advanced farm will appear.

You need to farm proper stages during AR n VF for mats for weapons then.

Wait for 2022 sneak peek. Should include more new on trainer troops. Plus new events etc etc.

Should be released after mid Jan 2022. It’s a few weeks more.

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There are only so many advanced farms. 4 and that’s it.

If you need more ham, it’s either :

  1. Farm baby titans (1*) or
  2. Reset crates or
  3. Buy ham

I can’t think of other avenues unless you started banking ham some time ago.

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  1. Be patient and wait for farms to fill up.

Here’s the big problem, we have 3 advanced farms, we have 5 normal farms at level 20, because we don’t unlock more advanced farms for the guys to spend the iron and increase their meat production.

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If you unlock all the buildings for advanced, more people will buy the vip too.
What’s the point of buying vip if you don’t have buildings to level up.

I don’t think I understand anything…

Sorry it’s google translator, it’s not perfect.

Activate Hero Academy 4 and 6

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I used to have vip even after I have levelled all the buildings that I needed. That vip was for the free gems, loot tickets and emblems, which wasn’t a bad deal considering some of the offers from SGG.

All that spare iron can be used to train feeder troops, 2&3*. It’s not much iron used but it can serve to soak up some iron, and gives you free feeder troops.

I converted one mine to HL. To dampen iron production. You can try this.

I converted all advanced mines back to normal, to slow down iron production. You can try this too.


I really like all the suggestions, but what difference does zynga make in unlocking advanced farms for all building terms to level up?

U can farm common uncommon troops in hero Academy and retrain 4* troops in hero Academy 9…
Ascension material is also farmable in alchemy lab… Once we reach advance levels those options opens in advance building :innocent:

Kkkkk for that you need meat that never exists , to level heroes , troops , emblem heroes and still keep alchemy always working .
Guys your ideas are all good, but useless, what’s the use of having 5 farms at level 20 when we can have 8 at level 10 advanced.