Oops oops oops oops panda panda

How do you feel being a judgemental bully? How do you feel as though this topic is going to be helpful to anyone but your own self-esteem? How do you get to have justification to judge what other people do with their money that they work hard to earn? Are you aware that most people see this as a hobby and have disposable income? There may be those with an addiction, and I hope they seek the help they need, but shaming and bullying is not the answer unless you are a troll. One last question… do u need a cookie?

For the record I have played for 6.5 years and was a whale, now a dolphin :rofl: and if it wasn’t for us you would have no game to play for Free…

Happy trolling… I mean gaming.


How does it feel to play a game for free, that other people pay for?

Whales can make their own choices, which includes THEIR choice to reflect of Zynga’s duplicitous behaviours. They are welcome to join forum chat and, in all things, come to their own decisions.


Uhm… what now?
I don’t get your questions at all, dignity aside…
Why do you even care? Not just care, you actually spend your time checkin what other people do. Is that your addiction?
There are lots of things in today’s world I don’t really get, but people do whatever the heck they want. As long as it’s not illegal or immoral, it shouldn’t be an issue, and even the latter doesn’t always apply…
What do you get from insulting others?

You can not trust anyone to be honest, especially on the internet, but why do you need to trust them or not, eitherway? How does that benefit you? How does this whole thread benefit anyone, really?


Дибілами придумана гра до яких нуль поваги

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Why do you persist in this ???

Once AGAIN - please use ENGLISH outside of the Foreign Languages category.

And AGAIN in what appears to be your native language…
Використовуйте АНГЛІЙСЬКУ поза категорією Іноземні мови.



People spend large sums of money in all kinds of hobbies and entertainment. And for everyone of those people, someone somewhere will say that it is a silly way to spend.

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You are sgg e&p family members and other player fellow .you update game new feature in your gadget. Game give you creat self alliance and join other alliance.this world not all type one mind people.and all alliance not game authorities alliance human creat alliance.you not care anyone. only play own game

I am quite happy playing the game how I want to.

Thanks for asking.

You Respect only game not other alliance members reason read full game support system rule and respect community forum all members reason is free not kick any one not per day come in cf. spend money for like hero not bad is good and game creat use money for pull hero is helpful point and i support.show off hero not bad is good i spend money for purchase hero only store my hero roster no

How does it feel to be envious? If you weren’t you wouldn’t be a judgmental old man that you are.

Only those that are envious are throwing around sermons filled with insults parading it as some sort of morality induced calling.

It’s absolutely none of your business why someone decides to spend their own money nor how much of it.



A forum name, or a question you need us to ask you?

I dont know wassup with you. You seem angry. Bitter. Resentful.

Wassup pal? Do you need a hug? Do you want to talk? Should I buy you a 10x Pull so you can feel like one of the group.

Just tell us wassup and we will try and help.




Oh go on then


Are you Alaes?

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Yaes, I am.

Or am I?

Its hard to keep track of all my personalities and forum accounts.


Well said and love this comment! Without revenue there would be no ftp or ctp. Everyone wants to play the game someone has to foot the bill. Im just glad of the charity of the whales that allows me to play a game i still enjoy without having to pay things i couldn’t afford myself


Can I has one?
… it won’t matter / I don’t get good hero’s :wilted_flower: and if I do they get neutered before I can even level them :rofl:


How do you feel about being an

[quote=“JakimDaHorta, post:18, topic:350111”]
[/quote] yoursef?

But to the op @Wassup I recently spent a little bit of cash on a very nice bottle of bourbon

(I enjoy being a sippi-cup girl & trying unique things)…hobby wise now what does that make me?


People showing off what they waste money on? Mine’s my bike. About $14,000 in 2024 dollars, but is about 10 years old. Have over 100,000 miles on it. Weighs in just over 13 lbs when I strip it down to the essentials. Have biked 185 miles in a single day on it. It holds up.