🦉 Olbec – 4* Ice / Blue from Owl Tower

I levelled this guy and full emblems and LB1 and I want to just warn everyone that he completely sucks.

His damage is trash. His damage is “OK” against holy but it’s trash against everything else. The tiny mana reduction isn’t even really noticable. Every 4* in a tourney has too much defense where you won’t be able to do any damage, you can’t boost his damage with +attack or anything. Any hero that does extra stuff like even the classic 4* heros with costume are better than this guy. Don’t waste resources levelling unless you have nobody else.


Well thanks for the warning. After Starwalker I pulled Kabeiroi and Jolt. So I gave Olbec a couple bottles of cheap wine so he will be quiet for a while…


Maybe with goblins like Goldie would he work better?

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Olbec is far from terrible, his attack depends if you pair him with goblins like the rest of the owl family. Growth and wither effect how much damage he is capable of doing. I wouldn’t use an owl without pairing with goblins.


So you’re saying if I bring Olbec to a 4 star tourney, maybe pair him up with Goldie (or a few goldies), do growth like 4x and get +400 to stats he’ll be good?

That sounds way better than taking a different 4* who is good by default, stacking 4 growths on them and making them insanely good… I guess.

The new passive is added to the hero card.


I got this one maybe 2 towers ago. I had him fairly low on the priority list, but this passive has me reconsidering. 80% reduction is really useful with so many heroes you see now having various ways to boost.

There are still a few in front of him though, we’ll see how this shakes out.


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I have updated the hero card with november balance update.