πŸ“• Offers – Untold Tales (Mysteries of the Deep)

This thread is for tracking, discussion, and analysis of the Untold Tales Mysteries of the Deep Offers.

:money_mouth_face: Offers

Prices in USD (excluding taxes) would be:

Day 1: 2.99 USD, 29.99 USD
Day 2: 3.99 USD
Day 3: 4.99 USD
Day 4: 29.99 USD

:money_with_wings: Analysis of Offers

There are many ways to evaluate the value of offers, depending on your priorities and budget.

Below I present one way of comparing different offers, by converting them to Gem equivalents, and evaluating the price per 100 Gems for each.

This method of evaluation allows determining the relative pricing of different offers for comparison, but doesn’t take into account other critieria, like Gems being more flexible for use than Coins or WE Flasks, which can only be used for their specific purpose.

I’ve also included some other common offers that have particularly good pricing under this evaluation system, so you can compare them.

Note: the LOWER the $/100 gems, the better the offer is :slight_smile:

Analysis will be added when we know the offers.

All coins, tokens, and keys evaluated based on the unit cost of a 10-pull. Their value is higher if using valuation for a single Summon, but I’m not that generous. They could also be evaluated lower, based on the unit price in a 30-pull when applicable. WE Flasks valued at 100 gems, based on gem refill price. Loot Tickets are values at 9 gems, based on comparative pricing of offers with Loot Tickets.

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