October 2020 Balance Update - Discussion

Clearly you are not aware but as my industry is fully in IT and e-commerce we follow those very closely.

No EULA and Terms and Conditions can contain unlawful conditions. Simple as that if there are any that are against consumer rights, that EULA and Terms & Condition has no validity in eyes of law.

Company contracts can’t bypass International and Country laws.

Good luck with your class action. #Givemestufftheybrokemytelly

The goal of this is to promote diversity first and foremost. When you discard Telluria (the single best-in-slot tank option), there’s further options in other colours without a clear favourite.

Do you stay in green with Heimdall, Frigg, LotL, C.Elk/Kadi, the new Halloween green?
Do you switch over to arguably the next best colour in purple with Kunchen / Ursena / Boss Wolf / C.Sartana?
Blue with Aegir / C.Richard / Skadi is an option.
Red with Black Knight / GM / Mitsuko is an option.
Yellow with Guin / Drake / Rana is an option (subpar, but still).

Various top alliances may decide differently depending on their cumulative rosters, at which point there will be at least something other than green wars: the game.

If a single hero ends up being the single best choice across the board with 90%+ domination - then yes, they too will be balanced. That’s the point of the process, and it should have been there from the very beginning.


Now you are twisting my words because i never said i will file a law suit. I simply go ahead and filed my complaint within EU consumer rights section which was after the second Vela nerf.

From my perspective the game and the future is extremely clear.: On Path of death …
As many other stated #nospend will punish them more than a lawsuit and sit down watch here while it dies…


So you are angry that you spent money on something that became worth slightly less than you valued it for in the first place, so then you want to see the game collapse in on itself and result in the entirety of your “investments” becoming worthless? Nicely thought out plan

I agree tgat part of the trade should have been to give us back the matts - at least 3rd ascension for Vela and Telluria. I like you ascended her over other blue paladin. Those who were already using Magni, Thorne, and Richard will just go back to that, making the tank back blue. So what was the difference? At least if they left Vela slone, there would be some change differences in ice tank after ppl dump telluria. Give us back some matts.

I am angry that the company choose terrible business practise and try to cheat their player base. Simple as that, none of us had issues with pulls etc… in past. of course there were always complainers about them.

But what is happening is beyond what happened in past, it creates a very dangerous precedent which can occur in future…

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It goes live at 6 so if Telli is the tank in war, her abilities will be junk in your defense and of course everyone will leverage that.

Being in diamond is super easy. 4* are enough.

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Read it again. They are nerfing the heroes, not because they are too powerful, just because.

There is a huge difference between the two. Think about it. It’s not that they do too much damage. It’s not that they’re overpowered. It’s that they show up in the top 100 too much.

And to facilitate that change, they are nerfing them into oblivion…while not addressing the true problem - ascension mats.

IF you truly want change across the board you have to give the players the mats to ascend another hero. It truly is THAT simple.

If you can’t see that, well then I feel sorry for you…and you’re welcome to bury your head in the sand and ignore the implications.



That’s all I have left on this thread

So yes, feel sorry for me. All my intelligence has nearly been used up. Good work requires the small amount I have been left with.

Carry on…

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I think one point that was missing was that blue/ ice tank was overwhelmingly the top choice, with Richard, Magni and Thorne as top choice before rise in stardom of Telluria. Now with other powerful blues from season 3, those with no strong green 5 star are back in the cold. Gravemaker was / is of the strongest in the game, yet there were no nerfs there. I agree that with dark tank, there are many options. But to counter ice, there just arent many 5 star nature heroes of similiar character to miki, etc. Zocc is a bust without Vela (lol)- what good is a water defense against an nerfed rarely used vela? Therefore no 5 star nature there. That leaves only a few greens (heimdall/ MN special event not HoTM) to counter a warfield of 5 star blues. Just seems strange that with all of the new heroes cranked out/ being cranked out, they could have put the awesome features of many of the holy/ dark on a nature. Did we really need another holy or dark HoTM so soon?

The same shown in the picture, you make fun of us like this.


First off, I am so glad other people do realize how bad the class system is. I wish there was an uproar about it like telly/vela nerfs.
Secondly, I agree there would be mass rioting if the current class system was simply removed. however there is an easy fix.
Thoroughly beta test a new system that uses the same emblems and when it is implemented simply refund all used emblems.

I woulds suggest something simpler. Every hero can be any class. You have to CHOOSE 1 and only 1. When you max that class some heroes could master a second class. Which heroes? easy! old ones, S1, S2 HOTM that are say 12 months old. If season 4 comes out then S3 heroes can get a second class, meanwhile S1 could then get a third class etc etc. This address power creep in SOME ways.
What I would suggest is every class has 2 talents with 10 nodes each Each talent automatically is set at 5% chance to trigger. Each node adds a 5% chance for the talent to trigger. You can only increase 15 total nodes. Each talent also has a secondary stat increase such as increased healing,crit,mana speed. So say at node 5 of talent 1 you can receive a 2% mana increase and at node 10 you also get a 5% healing bonus, but on talent 2 node 5 may give a 5% crit increase while node 10 offers a 2% mana bonus.
The mana bonuses if done right could also make very slow and slow heroes more useful in the long run, while it should not be enough to ever make alfrike average speed even with a level 30 troop, I would have no objection to it bringing say boss wolf from very slow to 1 faster than slow. But the details would need hammered out on that to prevent allowing heros to become OP with mana speed.

The costs should be simplified. For the first talent node 1 costs 10, node 2 costs 20 then 30,40,50…up to 100. The second talent in the same class costs slightly more. 15 for node 1, 30 for node 2 etc.
Food and iron should be included but similar to the new update model.

The first talent for each class would remain as is. The second opens whole new realms of possibility.
Examples, Block-reduce received damage by 25-50%, Berserk x% chance to miss but if it hits increases damage by x%, counter attack - after receiving damage counter attack for x% damage, Stealth Chance to hide form the opponent and not be targeted for one turn, and the list could go on and on.

Resert tokens or gems would work the same, returning all used emblems and a % of food and iron

There basically take the current system, remove the mess of increasing stats, the resets, lack of choices, address power creep slightly, no one is actually hurt by the implementation if all emblems are refunded and based on the number of emblems some iron and food packs were given.

I am not saying my suggestion is the best suggestion, but it is one idea that is simple and gives the players choice, the devs room to play around a little in the future, by introducing new classes and allowing heroes to open up a second or third cor even 4th class and makes the game easier to understand.

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Not opposed to it costing us. He said that it wouldn’t cost them anything, and it actually would cost them a great deal. I’m definitely not saying that we shouldn’t be compensated in some way, perhaps through the ability to 100% reset Tell and Vela if we want to and get all of the resources back, but there is no question that giving every player that got them or chased them 10,000 gems wouldn’t really do the game much good.

@Itchitaka I didn’t see many requests of 10.000 gems. In fact, me and many others will oppose 10.000 gems. I only want what I invested in the killed hero’s regarding Ascension materials.

4-star materials are extremely rare and they are being sold lately way more than before. They put with a price tag of 32.99euro every single item. Any 5-star hero requires a total of 8 4-star ascension material. So the cost of upgrading a hero is massive in the game.

That’s why if they desire to make changes just to boost their hero sales. Then they should correctly compensate players with the ascension materials.


Wow this thread is one of the most replied topics on this forum about how the majority of people are disgusted with SGG changes to Telly and vela.
Leave vela alone and leave Telly special alone… if u feel the need reduce her defense and give her atk instead to nerf her.

there aren’t many strong greens to counter blue tanks? i would argue green is the 2nd most powerful color after purple. zeline, kingston (have), aleberich (have), telluria (have), tarlak, lianna (have 3/70), mother north, heimdall, atomos, yunan (have 3/70), ratato (have 3/70), then even going to 4* with Hansel, almur, bryhild, there are so many good green. I love blue tanks, and i have both aegir +9 and telluria +9. i’m glad i didn’t take the emblems off aegir the way it’s going with telluria

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Well, I kinda tried to start the entire debate about it…

I really hope this somehow contributed to the changes we observe now.

Would a massive change in the system like you suggested help? Perhaps it would, but it could also create issues that we do not think of now. Like, first when the emblems were announced, I was pretty excited for it, and even though details were known, I wouldn’t think of the issues we started observing. Any new system would bring the risks of the story repeating. I think they take safer approach by addressing what’s wrong with the system we already know. And who knows, maybe it’s just the first of many changes that we will see to the emblem system. One step at time. I am glad that at least some changes are observed. A game to remain successful and engaging need to get gameplay updates, not just new heroes and ways to pull money from players.

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Sad thing is the tested beta second nerf for Telly was only a damage reduction. This nerf is way more than any of that.