[NOT A BUG] Judgement of Dunes province 9 & 10 hard mode energy

I was checking energy costs with the release of the new Judgement of Dunes vs farming spreadsheets trying to determine where to farm. I came across a what I think is incorrect energy costs for Province 9 and 10 in hard mode.

Normal is discounted to 3 from 6 but hard mode costs 8. The spreadsheets indicate the normal cost is 10 meaning the discount for hard mode across these provinces is only 2.

Additional info province 8 is 3/7 and province 11 is 4/8.

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I think the spreadsheets are wrong. I can log into beta where JoD is not active. Stage 10-10 costs 11 energy.

What spreadsheets are you talking about?! Definitely not mine :grin:


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