No spend trap OR past 5* HotM, small team, alliances and Valor points OR why SGG ignores most suggestions

Solid exposition. Thanks Gryphon Knight

It’s too late… the destination was set when the game was released.
All the damage is done. And the only possible cure, Is a bigger hammer!

The opposing argument claims you and TGW are / (were with condolences)
top 1% spenders. That’s all they got…

I was…!

I, and many others…have shown the paywall to newcomers. Here is the current war:

The fresh blood will dry up! The problem is not only for the smallest portion of the population. :joy:

As new players continue experiencing the paywall, they will lead the way to…
Not Playing This Game!

Addiction will prevent the so-called dolphins from that path.
But the grind… Will not!

Even whales will make their exit as the grind overwhelms their enjoyment.

SG can’t slow down
SG can’t lessen the creep
The portals are the paycheck!
They can’t stop…

The only solution… is a bigger hammer.
And our solution to stop playing, SG has no choice but to help us along!