No more Tanks! Or all Tanks! (Cheshire Cat and Defense)

I know Proteus is not fully max but in my opinion his a bit better and live longer and besides I have Onatel to control mana so Onatel do what Proteus do and the cat is helpful and eaven Max Proteus is quite Squishy

Apologies if this was answered and I missed it. Has someone confirmed CC’s stack / overwrite with the other defense down heroes?

Think you answered your own question there…:wink:

As tested with Tibs on yellow, it overwrites and is overwritten by the Ramming Pulverizer defense down debuff.


Thank you, I was looking for confirmation since not everything works the way I guess it will work.

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I’m afraid of the Cat! I wanted IT so badly, got IT … so excited. Spent all my time leveling IT up, took IT to war … that was fun!

Then I came to final 20 lives level of the quest and I froze … I wanted to take Cat but I was scared.

IT’s skill is still too mysterious for me to trust IT. Anyone else using IT yet?

Role-playing cap on…

Cheshire: :thinking::rage::rage::rage:
Azlar: What’s up, little one!?!
Cheshire: The thing just called me an ‘IT’!!!
Azlar: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Cheshire: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Zimkitha: What’s the matter with the both of you!?!
Azlar: Cheshire was just called an 'IT! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:
Zimkitha: :astonished:I’m sure she meant no harm, Chet…
Cheshire: SHE??? What makes you think THAT THING is a SHE!!!
Azlar: :rofl::rofl::rofl: O, the rage… :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Zimkitha: :roll_eyes:You’re not making things any easier, Daaaaad…
Azlar: :flushed: My apologies, daughter dearest… Chet, let’s go grab a drink and cool you off for a bit… Humans can be so… Well, you know…
Cheshire: BIASsssssssssssss… I’ll show them bias… :rage:
Zimkitha: Now… Now… Chet… Calm down, let’s get a drink, and I promise you your favourite catnip for the evening…:wink:
Cheshire: :heart_eyes_cat:

And off to the pub our feline friends go…

Zimkitha: I’m certain ‘she’ was appropriate…
Cheshire [puffing on catnip and extending claws]: If not, I can always make it a certainty…:smirk_cat:
Zimkitha: Silly Chet… Think it’s time for you to slow down on the catnip…
Cheshire: :kissing_cat:

Role-playing cap off…:wink:


Now that was funny right there !!!

It has been determined by Lewis Carroll and Rook that Cheshire Cat is an IT …

I don’t care what Lewis Carroll thought but I’m not going to contradict @Rook


The quotation from Lewis Carroll indicates Cheshire Cat is an “it”. (I always thought it was a “he”.) :grin:

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@princess1 @Rook

Firstly, I would like to apologise if my light-hearted satire above has offended anyone. If my use of the masculine pronoun may have annoyed some, so does capitalisation of the neuter ‘it’ beg me to respond. And so I did, in the hope that I would not hurt anyone’s feelings on a matter which I consider to be purely academic rather than practical in the current discussion.

The thought of using the neuter pronoun did cross my mind as I was typing my post above, but I opted for the masculine in order to give Cheshire a more solid character. After all, he is the main subject of this topic and I’m pretty sure the use of the feminine would in no way alter the contents of the said post, even if it would raise some eyebrows.

Lewis Carroll’s literary use of ‘it’ would definitely seem right since Alice was the main protagonist of his novel. But if he had penned a book solely for Cheshire, I have my doubts as to whether he would have stuck with the neuter. Guess we’ll never know for sure…

Grammatically, I can understand and do accept the use of the neuter pronoun in most circumstance. However, I tend to refrain from using it liberally, and would opt for the masculine or feminine whenever possible. The word ‘it’ when used in certain circumstances, can sound so cold sometimes…

Anyway, we seem to have gone way off topic here and I would just like to add that Cheshire may be good for the tougher levels in Challenge Events to switch heroes around, but why go through all that stress when you can just carpet bomb with arrows, bombs, dragon attacks, and time stops…:wink:

TL;DR - The Cat made to do it!!! I swear… Those eyes… They’re evil, I tell you… EVIIIIIILLLLL…


Certainly no offense taken on my part. I enjoy wit and cleverness. I agree Cat should have a defined gender (I lean towards male), but if we are going with IT, then I’ll capitalize it.

And IT is so much fun to take to war. I take out the original tank and a flank, then I have Cat shuffle a new hero into those positions so all my fire power hits them.

I also like IT for the yellow titans. Obviously it’s not being shuffled but the SS really help.

It is a HE. The QoH says, “off with his head!” When he upsets the king.

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The person who knows it best says:


I see the Cat has been shuffling posts around between threads :slightly_smiling_face:


Off with its head! :grin:


It’s a moot point :wink: We can all agree to disagree :grin:

Interesting hero for sure. Been messing with it for about a week now, find it more of a “fun” hero than a “utility” hero. I have had it shift defenses, but typically makes them more unfavorable for me kind of like your example above, i’d much rather face a kage in wing than flank.

Definitely not emblem worthy in my opinion.

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I supposed the DoT over is actually 276/5 and 327/3 it is not multiplication.

So in this case 327/3 >276/5

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She is saying that Proteus’ dot affects 3 at 327 and CC’s dot affects 5 at 276. So in total damage done to the opponents team - 276x5 > 327X3. The only division that would be useful is finding the amount of damage per turn.

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276 damage for 4 turns means , each turn it does 69 damage know