Next Green hero to work on

I am looking for advice on which green 5* and then 4* to focus on levelling next. I have 13 tonics and am almost finished levelling Heimdall.
I have been lucky last couple of weeks and got Frog Prince from free ad summon and just pulled Congalach from another free summon, both slow but as ftp (c2p occasionally) cant complain.
With 4* melendor was my first healer and costume but havent touched since and now got his c2, but have C.Gadeirus for titans attack up, and recently got c2 for caedmon with a few other options.

5* Poll

  • Frog Prince
  • Congalach
  • C. Yunan
  • Kadilen
  • Horngall
0 voters

4* Poll

  • C2 Melendor
  • C2 Caedmon
  • Mulgog
  • Orla
  • Hansel
  • Ptolemy (second copy)
  • Brynhild
  • Peters
0 voters
My current teams


Great choices! Don’t forget the 3 star Zarola. Very good for rare events.


Fianna is good, too. Use her a lot for any 3 star thing

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Level that frog seriously is good, i use every day once it kicks in all gravy . Def gonnaa LB2 him


Yeah that Frog is disgusting. Get him levelled as quickly as you can

Also Caedmon 2C is brilliant. You are missing out there not having him levelled


definitely the Frog. I’ve only fought him once, super dangerous, but it was sooooo satisfying to beat him

voted for c2-Mel and c2-Caed, both are genuinely good, but you also have their base forms maxed - this gives them a good stat boost relatively quickly

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Thanks everyone. Frog & C2 Caedmon is it next :slight_smile:

I sometimes use Congalach against the bigger titans, his 10-stack of Attack down make them pretty harmless and you can use them as a punch bag. Also, he looks SO happy while he is battering away!

Congalach is also good in monthly tournaments as a finisher in a green team.

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Frog Prince is slow, but he’s a game changer.

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