Dear Community:
Earlier today, we learned that the difficulty level of the new Alliance Quest: Brave Musketeers event was accidentally set too high; even our most veteran players, many who love tackling tough challenges, were being unduly frustrated by the staggering difficulty of certain stages. This was not intended at all and we’ve been urgently working on a fix since this morning.
We have just deployed an emergency solution that will adjust the event’s difficulty to its originally intended level. The event should now be playable and enjoyable for the majority of players. (Note: you do not need to update your app to see these changes.) The duration of the event has not been modified — the event will still end at 2022-12-19, 07:00 UTC.
We would like to sincerely apologize to everyone affected, particularly to those skilled and determined players who still somehow found a way to clear all stages on the initial difficulty setting. Our hats go off to you.
We will continue to investigate the issue and will keep an eye on the event until it ends. Thank you always for your patience and understanding. Best of luck in the battles!