Nerfing Telluria (Mar 2020 HOTM) ---> POLL IN POST #2; [Staff Comment Post #1445 & #4422]

Fought our 4th war of green tanks in a row… I’m already getting really sick of seeing telluria on both sides…

I thought this update would have some hero rebalancing. Go figure…


I don’t like the idea of nerf, I prefer tweak, if they want to remove something it is best they give something else back.
If mana slow is down to -20, i would like to see a buff in amount of HP heal. Overall will be a good increase in offense but decrease in defense.


After enjoying this game for more than 18 months and getting addicted to it, my motivation now has dropped to zero. I do not want to discuss if Tell is OP or not. The main problem I see is that in every war and every PvP I have to fight against (nearly) the same team over and over again.

E&P was great in terms of variety and many ways to success. Since I invested some money I own a lot of season 2 cards and I loved to switch my offense depending on the opponents defense. This card changed everything and made it a “stupid” gem lottery with always the same card constellation.

Can´t complain about my win ratio against the “only way to success team” especially that my Mitsuko is working well against Finley and Vela. But it nerves to always have the same fight and that you know after 2 turns how the battle will end. There is no room for tight battles anymore.

No matter if SG made it intentionally or not, the introduction of Telluria seperated the payers from the non-payers in one day. Just try to beat her constantly by using only season 1 heroes (not only 1/2 in 10 times due to gem luck).

By the way - a “special” counter card against her makes no sense, because then everyone will need 6 of it for the war attacks.


Telluria must be nerfed…
she is extremely OP…

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I know this is no live stream as you wished for proof, but I would like to present my build as it has provided me with an approximate 85% win rate against the mighty trifecta of GM,TELLY,VELA.
As proof of this success rate I post to you my run last night through the highest ranking teams to eventually go head to head against the #1 global leader, and yes I defeated them on the first try to take over the #1 spot.


I love fighting telluria tanks I’m always up for a challenge there’s no need to nerf him. Hope empires and puzzles bring more hero’s like this to make the game more challenging not easy

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She already heals as good as Ariel in almost every case)
Maybe do 459 for 3 turns, like Hawkmoon) Yes, good)

In my opinion we need to wait one or two more months, and alliances will start breaking up, because they can’t keep their score, just because 30 people don’t have Telluria with 15+ emblems.
In near future, you will not be able to join any good alliance if you don’t have Telluria.

Also - it wouldn’t be so sad if she wouldn’t be a HOTM, but instead maybe from Atlantiss or Valhalla, so you would have slight chance of getting her.
But now? Either you have her, or you don’t and you suffer.
I’ve spent too much money in March, and still didn’t get her - that’s fine, but now I have to drop my trophies to be under 2300, to be able to complete the raid quest.

This is madness! Telluria needs a big nerf or people will just leave this game. She is endgame.

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I think we’re going about this all wrong, the people want diversity in raids, but others don’t want their tell to be nerfed, which is completely understandable … I propose we make Ursena hit by 300% like Killhare, make guin heal all, hit all… heck… give her some minions as well, why not… give kunchen a hit that happens after his defense down… gm can do extra damage to every color, make aegir non-dispellable… and boom, problem solved, now we have diversity and folks can get crushed by more then just tell. :slight_smile:


Learn to record :man_shrugging:t2::thinking:

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Don’t have to live stream…only if you want his money…can still record 11 straight hits on your way to über #1

Wow, perfectly worded…look forward to your challenge video

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She’s not really anymore…a LOT Of teams have caught up with her…there are just a bunch of teams that are under powered compared to her

@rilian @windcar “Ariel is clearly better” but we don’t see her breaking the game balance?
Why is that I wonder? The simplest answer is usually the correct one…

Big nerf will make Telluria useless. She needs a small nerf to be great and not OP.

For offence. For defence Ariel is a good Ursena flank. And a good war tank for someone who runs blue.

Factors why Ariel is not so prevail:

  1. Chances to get Ariel is way smaller
  2. Ariel is a good flank, which is a factor, but not as tank. She can be good flank for almost any tank (best for Ursena, of course).
  3. Telluria’s mana slow is better than Ariel’s mana speedup. For me, Telluria’s mana slow should be nerfed slightly.

None of us know this. Everything here is subjective as to what effect will happen! The strongest slow hero in the game would be a far cry from useless…

Is it not possible to test these proposed balance ideas in beta so we can collect actual data that makes sense?

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  1. I am strongly against make her slow
  2. She will not be strongest slow hero. Period. Strong slow tank - yes. But overall, MN is way better, and Alberich is also useful more than her. Even C.Vivica and Kunchen (not so universal heroes) will be on par.

I do not think than we can decide which nerf will be and test it in beta. But anyway, good idea.

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This has been repeatedly compared, and not once has it been shown otherwise. Her current many skills and stats match up stronger than any slow hero.


MN. If you want, I can compare MN with Telluria, as I did with Ariel and Delilah.