Nerf Frigg

And do it now @Petri before it goes out of control(more and more people ascend and emblem her).

You can test it by yourself, go raid against frigg tanks. She can wipe an entire team by herself.

If you were afraid of Telluria/ Vela, which leaded to a numerous nerf, prepare yourself to fight against this new beast called Frigg.

She need to be nerfed. Less damage, a speed lower , average or something.

You nerfed Vela because you were afraid of frigg / Vela combo? You nerf an ok hero ‘vela’ to the ground , but days ago you released a truly and overpowered beast , frigg,.

Well done SG

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: :postal_horn: Frigg – New Season 3 Hero – 5* Nature/ Green: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback