Need help! Which heroes to maxed?

Right now i have some 5* heroes, and only 2 damascus blade.
I have joon as my top 5* heroes to max, but still waiting on the darts (only have 1 right now)
My 5* heroes that i have maxed : liana, rafaelle, and malosi
I have others in waiting :
Blue : magni, thorne, richard, glenda
Purple : domitia, quintus, obakan
Gold : justice
Red : azlar, reuben
Green : kadilen, g.chameleon
So i desperately need input on this right now. Should i choose 1 or 2 5heroes to maxed out or maybe just maxed out my 4 heroes that (maybee) have better use than my 5*? (Eg. Sabina, sonya, caedmon, jott, agwe, tib, kiril, second c.rigard, second mel, or even third BT?)

Hi buzzzzzzzz. Welcome to the forum!
There are several factors to be considered in regards to your query.
How much do you plan on summoning?
How deep is your 4* bench?
How many ascension materials do you have for each color?
In a vacuum, I’d say that kadilen and magni are just ok choices but I wouldn’t bring them up unless I had a ton of spare scopes and tonics. Both of their costumes are very good so that falls back to how much you plan on spending for summons. The traditional school of thought is to gain a well established bench of 3* heroes, then work on 4s until you save up enough ascension materials to work on fives as it can take quite a while.


Hi masterslamhole! Thank you for your warm welcome :grin:i only have enough mats for 1 heroes each, except gold. Until now, i only bought vip and valor pass. Sometimes i open 10 summons if i have enough gems. Hmmmm…My 4* heroes are ok i guess… :woman_shrugging:
Blue : only boril maxed. But i have grimm, sonya, kiril, jott, and agwe unmaxed
Red : sumle, 2 c.boldtusk, wilbur, gormek. Scarlet, colen unleveled
Gold : hutao, lixiu, chao. Have double of each unleveled
Purple : stonecleave. C.rigard, proteus. Unmaxed fura, cyprian, tib, second rigard, and sabina
Green : c.mel, c.little john, peters, gadeirus. Unmaxed skittleskull, caedmon, duplicate of c.mel.
I see your point. So right now better i work with my unleveled 4* first while waiting for better heroes (or not) to come by?

In that case yes. I would definitely stick with the four stars for a while. You have a bunch of good options in that arena to bring up. You can never have too many healers for war, Tibs is a great one to bring up, Sonya and Caedmon are good choices as well. This is of course only my opinion, but I wouldn’t want you to waste precious ascension materials on mediocre heroes when there are much better options on the horizon. At any rate I wish you the best of luck. Use your summons wisely. There are many threads on where the best places to summon are, as well as great info on almost every hero in the game that you can look at and get reviews from some really great players. I hope I was helpful!

Yes, you’re really are helpful :smile: thanks alot for your input!